Xavier's peace

There was a baby bathtub with bathing accessories, two thick blankets, baby clothes of different colors and cute designs with matching little gloves and shoes, baby carrier, a diaper bag, and a set of pajamas for herself, the baby, and Zach. Amy exhaled softly and blinked back tears as she marveled at the gifts. She had no words.

"Wow!" She whispered and sniffled.

"The ladies wrote little messages inside you can read later on", Stella said to which Amy nodded.

"Thank you so much. All of you, I really appreciate all of this", Amy said. The ladies nodded and acknowledged her appreciation.

"You're in a book club?" Becky asked with interest as Edmund had maids put the gifts away.

"Yes, back in West Village", Stella answered.

"You're from West Village?" Kris asked, trying not to frown at this.

"Really? But Amy you have a bit of a New Yorker's accent, I thought you were from here", Adelaide commented.