Stella's outburst

In West Village....

Nora slept comfortably in her bed. Sleep had never felt so sweet in her life. She slowly opened her eyes and sighed in content at the sunlight illuminating the room behind the white curtains. There was no irritating alarm to wake her up nor was her mother around to nag her. She sighed again. Life was so good.


She sat up immediately. 'What's that noise?' She mused as she got out of bed and walked out of her room not forgetting her phone.

Her heart was racing so quickly as followed the source of the sound. She picked up a baseball bat in the corridor as she braved herself to confront the intruder.

"You unlucky bas-" she swung the bat but immediately froze.

"Nora?" George turned around with brows raised as he looked at her standing with a bat raised above her head.

"Uh....", She threw away the bat, not minding where it landed and flashed him a smile and wave. "Hi."