The dark waters are going down

Two nights ago

"We should try it. It would be great fun!" Stella said while cutting through her chicken before forking it.

"Sorry, but I don't take pleasure in plunging myself to death", Victoria argued as she forked a bite.

"How is bungee jumping plunging..?" Stella sighed helplessly before turning to Amy looking a little hopeful. "How about you dear? Will you do it with me?"

"Uh...", Amy could feel the temperature drop because of the man beside her. Despite the excitement, she furrowed her brows and cleared her throat. "Bungee jumping....? That..... doesn't sound interesting at all. I definitely don't want to do it."

Richard let out a small chuckle as he served himself more chicken. "That was very convincing."

"Mm-hm", Henry agreed with a laugh and a shake of his head.

Roserie, who was sleeping in a crib set beside her father made some noises. Zach turned to rock her back to sleep. Amy took this chance and mouthed to Stella.