To overlook the obvious

Rider chuckled with his hands on his waist as he walked over in her direction.

Gwen was quick to side step a bodyguard in front of her, snatch his gun and step forward standing her ground to aim at Rider's forehead. Her face was stone cold having taken offense to his comment.

"Well if you know who I represent, then you should know that that attitude will only send you running back to Hothead with your tail tucked between your legs like the little mutt of his you are." She chuckled in less than amusement when she saw his attitude quickly get replaced by a cold one. He was now in front of her and she boldly kissed the tip of her gun at his forehead. "That is..... if I my mood is good enough to spare the useless excuse you call your existence."

Being offended was one thing, but she expected him to flinch or show a hint of fear with her pointing the gun to his head, yet the man didn't budge. He slowly nodded, digesting everything she said.