A simple: wow

The next day

"Are you not going back to work?" Victoria glared at her youngest. "How long do you plan on staying here?"

"I'm working from home and I'm staying until Dad is okay", Xavier said with a shrug.

"Son, that's really sweet but bro, go back to work. And what about that girl you're seeing?" He nodded at him.

"You're seeing someone?" Victoria's annoyance turned into pleasant surprise.

"Yeah, I thought we all knew?" Stella said as she walked in with a tray of refreshments and snacks. The woman was always making something for everyone to munch on.

"Wow", Xavier started dryly. "I know you found out from Amy, but how did Dad know and mom not?"

"Well", Stella started as she set down the tray on a coffee table. "I thought we were keeping it on the hush-hush so I told Richard."

"And Richard told me but I'm not a big gossiper like your mom is", Henry justified himself making both women gasped in shock.