Practically asking to be tasked

"Mm", Zach agreed making her look at the two men curiously.

"There still is a bounty on your head. Taking care of one assassin doesn't mean all the others stopped trying to find you", Henry explained.

'Ah! The bounty...', she mused. Thanks to her masking skills, she had put that at the back of her mind but now she was reminded of its existence. From the corner of her eye she saw Zach's lips lift into a smirk. He probably thought of something. What could it be?

"Well, I'm glad that's over with. One down, one to go", Henry said. "Oh! One thing I forgot about is Greco. We need to cut off any possibilities of the King finding Gwen's replacement."

"We could completely destroy it", Zach answered while looking at Amy. "Or we could give it a new owner?"

"You mean....?" Henry pointed at the two.