Xavier's thoughts and feelings

"Oliver?" Lorraine gave him a warning look as she stood at the door.

"I'm almost done." He was still seated around the kitchen counter scribbling in his school book.

"Don't make me regret sending you to Savvy's instead of the academy", she said in a tired voice before she yawned.

"You know, I can walk to school alone. You look tired." He stood up and packed his book in his bag. The look she gave him was did not call for a verbal response. "Okay. Let's go."

The two walked hand in hand going to his school. Oliver once again noticed that his sister was being quiet and he knew it wasn't the fatigue.

"What's wrong?" He looked up at her but she did not hear him. "Lorrie?" He shook their joined hands.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Are we seeing Xavier this weekend?" He asked with anticipation glistening in his eyes.

"Uh.... I don't know."

"Can you ask him?"