"secret you keep in your heart" (¬‿¬)

⭐Take your time to read. (¬‿¬) ⭐

after some small talk Adam hung up the call and went down to the living room but found no one. Adam remembers what Kaori said and sends a text ⁓ "I'm in the living room" ⁓ he was nervous,

Adam had made a very important decision regarding his return to the mansion as the master. Besides, it's not like he's going to take over the family, create a mega-empire and control the world.

doing that is more complicated than you think and there are people who are above the human standard, and let's be honest that will never happen.

The Walker family is governed by a Matriarchy. women are the bosses. As a man in the Walker family, I didn't have many options.

As a man with the surname Walker, at the age of 16 you are given the choice of two options: stay in the mansion and accept the rules or make your own life outside the family

with the first your life is fully financed in exchange for decision making including education, marriage and children

They tell you what to study, who to marry and how many children you should have. who will have the same fate when they turn 16

if you think about taking the first and applying the second option that will never happen, you must be a dreamer if you think about it, oh. that you have courage and nobody bends you. you watch many action movies

for your first and only fault, not eating, sleeping or drinking water is the least of your problems. because they take you to a dark room tied hand and foot near the homeless people who are offered $20 for a fuck. three days and two nights. believe me that, it can work miracles

for the second option they give you a wallet with the patriarch's initials with $1000 and they wish you the best of luck

Before leaving, the Master of the Mansion hands you a card and says a phrase that doesn't make sense when you hear it. but by experiencing it. the sentence makes sense

the sentence is…. a pair of heels is heard in the corridor of the second floor, which interrupts the thought. Adam looks up to the second floor and a girl with blonde hair appears walking in a short dress that outlines her spectacular figure.

Kaori wears a tight pink dress. that reaches to the middle of her thigh, at the top of her dress. with bare shoulders and has a (V) between her boobs

pink heels, handbag of the same color and a crimson red lipstick. which highlights her juicy lips and a ponytail that settles her hair. Kaori stops before going downstairs, puts her hands on her waist and starts modeling her dress.

Adam's reaction was so brazen, he ate her up with his eyes. After swallowing hard, he watches as Kaori walks down the stairs little by little. without losing detail and he follows her with his eyes.

Kaori she asks ⁓ "what do you think" ⁓

⁓ "Beautiful" ⁓ but Adam wouldn't take his eyes off her butt and looked for a way to give her another look.

With a smile on her lips Kaori slowly approached, her dress marking her sensual figure. causing Adam to swallow another mouthful of saliva. Kaori took advantage of the moment and took a couple of laps showing off her statuesque body.

Kaori had a particular sparkle in her eyes as she walks over to where Adam is, she stretches out her arms and holds Adam's neck as she smiles.

Adam in turn grabs Kaori's waist.

⁓ "I want to be selfish, this day" ⁓ comments Kaori as she hugs and puts her face on Adam's chest

Adam lets out a sigh, right now, he had a big problem on his hands. it was just a matter of time. before things start to escalate being alone and get cloudy between the two.

Adam takes a breath and with courage in his voice, he tells Kaori ⁓ "honey, I'm going to give you a magical afternoon. But I want you to talk to Leticia and keep it in her heart" ⁓

Kaori lifts her face from chest. to look at Adam's face and asks with a smile on her lips ⁓ "A secret from mom, Edwin and Azumi" ⁓ Adam nods, he lifts her face looking into the distance. Kaori's breath starts to hitch and she bites her lips.

she feels her nipples harden and her pussy begin to lubricate, Kaori opens her mouth with a gasp and inhales deeply

Kaori starts to get horny and presses her body ⁓ "Daddy" ⁓ call, without getting an answer. but she begins looks for the face. specifically Adam's lips

Adam feels how Kaori's desire and lust grow with the passing of time. but he had made a decision by making that call and there is no going back.

Adam closes his eyes and says in a wistful voice ⁓"what's up. honey"⁓ Kaori's nostrils flare, taking a deeper breath. her having to bite her lips to avoid making her request. but Kaori's willpower leaves her seconds later

⁓ "Daddy I'll keep your secret in my heart, but I want something in return" ⁓ Kaori finishes her words with a gasp and literally rubs her body on Adam

she lets go of Adam's neck and begins to lower her hands slowly, running her palms over his chest, stomach, belly. he stops, grabs his pants and waits for the answer

Seconds later

Adam grabs Kaori's shoulders with concern in her eyes. looks into her pupils of eyes and answers with curiosity ⁓ "ask me whatever you want. darling" ⁓ upon hearing her answer. Kaori's smile widened.

⁓ "Don't move. Daddy" ⁓ orders Kaori, as she puffs out her cheeks and frowns. feigning a pout of annoyance.

⁓"I promise honey. I won't move"⁓ replies Adam. while he keeps looking at Kaori's sky blue eyes and beautiful smile

upon receipt of confirmation. Kaori keeps looking at her father's eyes. noticing for the first time that the brown eyes are lighter than before. while Kaori shows her best smile her fingers grab the pants

she removes her belt, she unzips and finally unbuttons pants. she drops the pants on the floor.

Kaori keeps looking at Adam's reaction. but he doesn't move.

Adam continues to hold Kaori's shoulders without moving. Kaori grabs the edge of the boxers and yanks them down. making Adam's cock. hit, Kaori's thigh.

Kaori's breath becomes heaving and the smell in the living room. it's heavier than before, causing Kaori to let out another gasp, this time deeper, and then bite her lips.

without taking his eyes off my face. Kaori grabs the hem of her dress and lifts it up to her waist, revealing a beautiful round ass. pink lace panties at (T) with beautiful thick shapely legs.

Kaori spreads her leg away and I can see how Kaori's body starts to slide little by little.

she sits in front of me with her legs bent and open (squats)

she holds me, by the back of her thighs, with both hands. to avoid swinging or falling

making sure, Kaori puts my cock on her face. stick your tongue out and lick my balls. after 4 to 5 licks. she brings her mouth close, to suck on a ball. while my erection rises like a rocket

Kaori's mouth. starts to climb up. sucking on my balls like I'm a couple of scoops of ice cream. upon reaching the base of my shaft. Kaori tilts her head and kisses him.

my dick doesn't seem to like it. because she moves a lot... making Kaori chase her with her lips, while keeps kissing her.

Kaori didn't have much patience. because she got tired fast and raises her right hand. to grab my cock, he holds it and lego takes it to his mouth.

At first, she gives him two to three long, slow licks. on the head of the dick.

while Kaori keeps looking into my eyes

I can clearly see. my cock getting lost inside Kaori's mouth. by making the head forward and makes appear again. throwing his head back.

The wetness and warmth of her mouth surrounds my shaft as her tongue strokes the bottom.

*Sgluph Sgluph*

the noise of her blowjobs, can be heard in the living room.

⁓"Mmm"⁓ Kaori moans after giving two blowjobs and sucks my cock again. moving her head slowly

*Sgluph Sgluph*

after several blowjobs. Kaori takes his cock out of her mouth and lets out a sigh. she swallows a mouthful she salivates and returns to see my cock. licks her lips. she opens her mouth again and repeats the same formula. looking into my eyes

*Sgluph Sgluph Sgluph Sgluph *

saliva drips from the corner of his lips. forming a thread that falls to the ground. Kaori has to take the cock out of her mouth again.before swallowing that excess saliva, looking at my dick again.

Adam reaches up and rubs Kaori's cheeks with the backs of his fingers and tenderly tells her ⁓"you can do it baby. suck Daddy's dick"⁓

Kaori shows me a big smile and nods. sticks her tongue out and passes it over her lips to wet them, when she finishes she replies ⁓ "this will be our secret. Daddy" ⁓ bringing her mouth closer to my cock. opens her lips and swallows more than half of my cock

⁓"Uuuagg Uuagg"⁓

*coof coof*

Kaori pulls out me cock in a hurry and starts to cough. she takes a deep breath in and her eyes get watery and she says out loud ⁓ "God" ⁓ as she rubs the back of her hand across her mouth to wipe the spit off her lips .

⁓"slowly drink slowly"⁓ I say to Kaori. as my hand gently rubs her head Kaori nods again and takes a few deep breaths and looks back at my cock

*ding, dong, ding, dong*

the doorbell began to ring insistently,

Adam lets out a sigh as he watches Kaori swallow the remains of the semen, as if she were tasting a good wine. but then he starts sucking his cock and gets it completely clean.

At the end of her blowjob, Kaori gets up with difficulty because her knees are numb, and Adam has to hold her up to prevent Kaori from falling when she takes a wrong step with the high-heeled shoes.

after several rings of the bell, Adam finished pulling up his pants and buckling his belt. he approached the door and opened it charming Leticia somewhat annoyed, before speaking he looks around and asks me in a low voice ⁓ "where is Kaori" ⁓

I responded the same way ⁓ "she went to the bathroom" ⁓

Knowing that Kaori was not there, Leticia crosses her arms and asks annoyed. as frowns ⁓ "because they took so long" ⁓ upon seeing Leticia's jealous side, Adam just rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath ⁓ "God. now there are 4" ⁓

⁓ "What four?" ⁓ Leticia asks but then she falls silent. Seeing how Kaori approaches, haranguing her dress as they near the door. Kaori takes out a napkin and hands it to Adam.

Adam greets her and thanks her, then turned and disappeared from the doorway. Kaori approaches with Leticia. the grabs her arm and they walk out of the house towards the street.

⁓"What was that, why the napkin?"⁓ asks Leticia in a low voice with curiosity.

⁓ "For lipstick stains" ⁓ Kaori replies with a smile, Leticia looks back and wrinkles her forehead, while she tries to do some memory.

In the end, she can't remember anything and comments ⁓ "Don't lie, friend. Your father didn't have lipstick stains on his face" ⁓ says Leticia. so Kaori laughs out loud and replies ⁓ "I never said the spots were on his face" ⁓

Leticia's mouth drops open in astonishment and she leans closer whispering curiously. ⁓"give me details friend. don't be selfish"⁓

⁓ "Ok, you'll have them" ⁓ answers Kaori and continues saying ⁓ "but I also want the details of what they did to you in the kitchen." ⁓ Leticia nods and begins to narrate her kitchen adventure.

when they reach the street they stop on the sidewalk and wait on the side of the street for Adam to appear, while Leticia tells the story.

Kaori looks towards her house to know when she approaches her father.

It didn't take long for Adam to get out.

Adam stood in the middle of the patio, pulled out his cell phone, activated the camera and focused on the two beautiful girls. one with her pink dress and the other with a black dress.

Kaori realized Adam's intentions and told Leticia to turn around.

moments later the two girls posed their statuesque bodies. after several photographs Adam put the phone away.

Kaori let out a sigh, when she saw her father walk to the garage and Leticia just giggled.

Adam's car is a classic '76 Mercedes Benz 300. An old car that is brown in color because of the rust on the paint and very neglected, it doesn't work in reverse and takes time to start.

Adam struggled a bit to start the engine, but he didn't miss, pulling it out of the garage onto the street. the two beautiful ladies approached

Kaori says out loud, expressing her annoyance ⁓"Daddy, your car is too old." ⁓ causing Leticia to laugh, who tries to help a little ⁓"shut up friend, you'll be the first to get out to push the car. Yes engine shuts off"⁓

⁓"why me? "⁓ Kaori complains

⁓ "Because I'll take the wheel, even if you hit me. I will not push this garbage" ⁓ answers Leticia. letting out another laugh.

hearing the mocking comments, Adam just rolls his eyes and tells them ⁓"come on up and stop wasting time"⁓

the two girls just made a face and got into the car in the back with resignation.

Adam adjusts the rearview mirror. to be able to see the legs of this pair of ladies. realizing it, the girls subtly open their legs showing the lunch (camel toe)

followed by a laugh from both of them seeing what they did at the same time.

the complaints and the bad mood of the girls were like the trip of the car. they didn't last long. pulling into a parking lot at a convenience department store.

⁓"Daddy we're not doing the shopping here, right." ⁓ Kaori asked fearfully. while she looked at the department store. she knew perfectly the customs of her father.

⁓"no, we won't do them here"⁓ replies Adam

Upon hearing the answer, the two girls let out a sigh at the same time, as they parked in a secluded place. Adam pulled his phone out and did a speed dial and the call was answered quickly ⁓ "I'm here you can come" ⁓ was all Adam said. before hanging up the call

The two girls narrowed their eyes and began to look at various places. but they didn't see anything

⁓"let's go out"⁓ says Adam opening his door. the pair of girls follow him and also get out of the car.

Adam closes the car and approaches the girls saying. ⁓"now, I want you to close your eyes. whoever cheats gets nothing" ⁓ Kaori returns to look both ways. but the place was empty and she asks Leticia. ⁓"friend see something"⁓

⁓ "nothing, friend, and what do you think?" ⁓ answers Leticia, turning around several times

⁓ "What else, friend, we'll have to trust dad" ⁓ Kaori replies and then closes her eyes as she crosses her arms. Leticia let out a sigh before following Kaori's lead.

to avoid cheating. Adam made sure they couldn't spy and made the girls stand with their backs to the parking lot entrance.

5 minutes later

a black executive limousine with gold trim on the door frame. enters the parking lot and parks near the car, the engine was so quiet that the two girls did not notice it.

a lady in a driver's outfit gets out and salutes very respectfully ⁓"sorry for the delay, Master"⁓ Adam just nods and says to the girls ⁓"OK. you can turn around"⁓

Turning around, the faces of the two girls couldn't believe it and they rubbed their eyes insistently. to the point that Leticia pinched her forearm several times.

The most striking thing about the car was not the "W" logo on the doors and hood, the thick armor, the large space inside or the leather seats embroidered with a "W".

The most striking thing was the beautiful lady with her elegant suit. opened the door of the limousine, immediately the two girls narrowed their eyes, crossed their arms and said at the same time ⁓"who is she?? "⁓ while pointing at her, the two girls turned to look at the same time and released a loud laugh.

the question only made Adam let out a sigh saying in his mind (they get like this with a female driver. what will become of me, when they meet the women of the Walker family)



in the main hall of the Walker mansion, the 1st Meeting of the new master. It would start in a couple of minutes.

The hall of the Walker mansion was divided into several sessions in the middle of all the relatives, on the left, all the workers, on the right all the business partners, and at the end of the room, the special guests.

the part where the relatives are was divided by generations

leading the first generation (grandfathers, great-uncles, grandmothers, and great-aunts)

the following correspond to the 2nd generation (fathers, uncles, mothers, aunts.)

follows, the 3rd generation (brothers, sisters, first cousins)

the 4th generation (grandsons and granddaughters)

finally the fifth generation (the great-grandsons and the great-granddaughters)

the workers' section, was the quietest from drivers, maids, gardeners, butlers, cooks, bodyguards and the dogs.

a dozen dogs of different breeds that represent the different groups that take care of the mansion.

the business associates section were ladies, and gentlemen in elegant suits. representing family-owned businesses.

finally noisier. it was the section of guests, men and women who sought first-hand information to divulge it to the interests they represent, being the most numerous.

At the end of the welcome, the Walter Family matriarch raises a metal bell, making it ring

*ding ding ding*

the noise of the bell was not loud. but it was sharp which caused the room to fall silent. not because of this small bell, it was because of another larger one that resounded throughout the mansion.

the powerful speech that the matriarch had as an entrance. was trimmed, making a little introduction.

because the place seemed underground in rush hour and these bastards, they just wanted to save their ass, to know the face of the new master, to avoid a calamity with their women.

a screen at the back of the room lights up, exposing Adam's full image, followed by the matriarch's voice, calling out ⁓"the master has returned"⁓

most of those present started taking pictures of the image and immediately started sending it with different words added like "highly dangerous" "do not touch" "avoid" "stay away"

The matriarch waited for these people to finish taking the pictures, when the flashes stopped. the matriarch resumes the word ⁓ "the Walker family appreciates her presence" ⁓ all those present in the room bowed

It was the polite way. to tell all these strangers to go away. the guests took the hint and began to leave.

while the guests leave, nobody in the different sections moved from their place, much less complained, among the workers the most striking was Tommy. who had a bump, on the forehead