{The Nameless One is awoken}

Hex started to go towards the tomb, but Valorie stopped him.

"Stop! What are you doing! Don't you know that you shouldn't disturb a deceased person from its rest or else it will kill you?!"

"What? Don't tell me you believe in such things?"


"I'll take your silence as a no," Hex said.

He did it anyway, but when he did, the necromancer started to float up slowly. "Oh no, what did you just do Hex?" Whispered Hedwig. "I don't know, but get your weapons out, just in case we need to fight," Hex replied.

"Dude, if any of us dies, it's all going to be your fault," Hal said. "Hey!"

Valorie facepalmed and said, "Alright you guys, stop fighting. Hal, stop blaming Hex. Hex, don't be so loud." The guys stopped arguing, but the necromancer had already noticed them. Then, the necromancer yelled,

"I, The Nameless One, was awoken from my slumber. YOU MUST PERISH AND NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN!!!"

The Nameless One cloned himself and started to attack the heroes and fired large, slow-moving green projectiles at them. The heroes dodged them very easily, but after a while, The Nameless One started summoning walls of seven skeleton vanguards between itself and the heroes. The skeleton vanguards were hard to kill, but they killed them all and retreated to somewhere safe, so the skeleton vanguards couldn't get them.

"We're safe for now," Valorie said while trying to catch her breath, "Everyone, heal up, we're using the artifacts we got against him this time!" "But the artifacts have cooldowns. We can't use them forever." Hedwig commented. "Yeah, and arrows can run out too. We won't be able to fend off all the skeleton guards if we run out of arrows," Hal added.

Valorie thought for a while, then she had an idea. "I got it! She said. "What animal loves bones?" she asked the group. "Uhh..." Hex said while thinking. "A wolf?" "Yes... and do we have a wolf?" "Uhh yeah...Oh, I get it! We have Ghost!" "Yeah, I'll summon her right now, it's going to take a while.

"With that problem out of the way, let's get out our artifacts then!" Hedwig said. Everyone got their artifacts, Valorie got her totem of regeneration. Hex had his corrupted beacon. Hal got his flaming quiver and Hedwig had her torment quiver.

"Ready?" Hal asked. Everyone nodded.

"Ok then, let's go!"