
Byrth was anxious, he lived his entire life in the Verdant forest, but, he never heard about such great numbers of demonic beasts there, he grew worried about the other villagers in the area.

-" How can that many beasts live there? And why the villagers there didn't find them sooner?" Byrth had his suspicions too, as a citizen of the Verdant Forest he almost didn't believe the news.

-" We don't have a confirmation, but, there is some possibilities that we are considering." Cyl tried his best to not jump to conclusions. "It's better if you two could talk with Philip after this, he wants to confirm some things."

Byrth was confused he didn't know why Philips wanted to ask him, but, before he could ask Cyl any other question, the door of Luckas room opened.

-" Hey, is Luckas awake?" Moria walked in, his arms were looking far better than before. "I wanted to thank him for helping me there."

Byrth looked curiously at Moria, he was donning military attire so Byrth knew he was a soldier. He looked to Luckas to see if he knew him.

Luckas smiled and nodded to Moria, knowing now that he was safe made Luckas feel better, in the end, the two of them survived their deadly encounter.

-" Hey, come inside, I'm awake now." Luckas voice sounded weak as he spoke. "How are your injuries, Moria?"

-" Oh, I'm fine, this level of injuries don't take very long for me to heal." Moria shook his arms and he spoke." Besides that, you shouldn't worry about me right now, look at your body, how many days you will be locked here?"

-" Hahahha, who knows, but at least I'm not in pain anymore, I thought that I was going to die out there, but when I woke up I was feeling a lot better." Luckas thought a little and continued. " Maybe its because I'm a cultivator now that my injuries healed so fast?

Moria and Cyl had an awkward look on their face as they heard Luckas speculation.

-" Not even body cultivators of the Foundation Establishment have this type of healing, even more, a Qi cultivator who just entered the Qi Gathering Realm." Byrth was confused too, when he saw Luckas current state he was already shocked, but learning that he was in an even direr situation before made him frown.

-" I don't know if you remember, Philips came to save us, and seeing your injuries he feed you a healing potion." Moria tried to explain what happened after Luckas confronted the wolf. " If it wasn't for Sir Philips's high-grade potion you would be dead right now."

Moria gazed at Luckas with curiosity, he knew from the way that Cyl and Philips treated Luckas that he was someone of importance, he couldn't guess why, after all, the young man didn't look like a noble or wasn't a strong cultivator, but, Moria didn't want to waste the opportunity to befriend with someone of great stature.

-" Oh, I should meet Sir Philips to express my gratitude for him after I get better, and I should be thanking you too Moria if you weren't there I can't imagine what would happen to me."

-" Hahahahah, don't freet, I was just doing my duty, and besides that, if you didn't attack the wolf too I would almost likely be dead too."

The group continued to talk for a few more minutes until Moria took his leave, leaving only Cyl, Byrth, and the Injured Luckas.

-" So, did you find out about your companions?" Byrth suddenly asked Luckas.

This question made Cyl and Luckas fall silent, Cyl didn't know what to do, if Luckas wanted to maintain his lie, he could cover for him, after all, he thought that Luckas secret would be better to stay as a secret.

Luckas and Cyl exchanged looks, Luckas knew that Cyl was hinting him to not tell about the transmigration, but, Luckas didn't want to keep lying to Byrth.

-" Sigh, Byrth i need to tell you something." Luckas emotions were visible in his eyes, Byrth was prepared to receive bad news. " I'm lied about being from a merchant group, I was too afraid of getting kicked out of the village so I lied to all of you."

Byrth was shocked, Luckas lies made him pretty upset at first, but, he soon calmed down.

-" So? Why did you come to my village? Did someone send you?" Byrth was calmer now, but he still wanted to know how Luckas ended up there.

-" Well, I was really lost, at least this part wasn't a lie, as for how or why I ended up there, I cant tell you that, partly because I don't have a clue what happened, partly because some things can be told yet."

Byrth was deep in thought as he looked at Luckas, emotions rapidly crossed his mind.

-" Sigh, while I do not appreciate being lied to, I understand your point, the truth was if you arrived in our village and asked for help without explaining your background, it was probable that I would kick you out." Byrth had an awkward smile. " And to be fair, I don't think your background matters too much, while you lied to us, I know that you don't meant harm and even helped us escape Dale."

-" Thank you for understanding, and sorry for lying to you for so long." Luckas could barely look at Byrth as shame took over him.

-" Don't worry, I just hope that you can tell the truth to Uncle and the rest, I'm sure they would appreciate it too."

-" For sure, I thought about coming clean to you guys yesterday, but, I wanted to talk to Cyl first."

-" Do you know about this supposed secret too?" Byrth was curious about Luckas's story but decided to no put him on a hard spot, he had his suspicions that Jeffrey and Philips were the ones to tell Luckas to keep his story a secret

-" Yes, Sir Philips was the one who ordered us to keep it a secret, i apologise for the inconvenience." From Cyl's tone, Byrth noticed that he didn't want to linger on the subject.

Byrth thought for a moment and nodded. " Hey, Luckas next time something like this happens, you can tell me the truth, I hope you can trust me."