Daring Attitude

Luckas mind shook as his Qi finished one more circulation, from the depths of his mind a blinding light emerged and shot upwards, Luckas was stunned for a moment, but, when he recuperated he sensed that the smalls dots of Qi around him had transformed.

Some of them still had the white colors he was accustomed to, but he felt a great quantity of them now acted differently from before. Red, Green, Blue, Brown, Gold, and Dark specks of light fluctuated around.

Byrth had told him that the third level of the Qi Gathering was the opener of the Elemental Gate, so he already knew what they were. Luckas took a deep breath and tried to communicate with them.

Red and Green specks came rushing and circulated around Luckas, as the Blue and Brown ones made distance from him. The gold and dark ones stayed still and didn't move as if Luckas didn't exist at all.

"Red should be fire and green is wind? So I have an affinity with these elements." Luckas pondered as he got used to his new state. " Blue represents water and Yellow earth, but where is the lighting element? There isn't nature Qi around here too." Luckas was confused, he was almost sure that the Gold and Dark ones were Light and Darkness.

-" I should read more about the elements after this." Luckas opened his eyes and grinned. " First of all, I should check the system for any changes." Luckas opened his system with anticipation.

Cyl, Byrth, Jeffrey, and Philips were in a tent close to where Luckas was staying, they immediately felt when Luckas had achieved the breakthrough.

-" Oh, five months to achieve the third realm in Qi Cultivation inst that bad, well, I suppose he does have quite a few resources." Philips grinned as he paid attention to Luckas surroundings.

-" It's quite the surprise indeed, I thought he would take more time, if he wasn't so busy the past few weeks I think he could breakthrough sooner." Jeffrey had a smile on his face too, he didn't think Luckas would stay on the Path of Qi Cultivation for so long.

The group was about to go over and congratulate him when a powerful aura washed over their camp. Philips's grin grew wider as the felt the aura.

-" Oh, is Elias finally making a move? They are quite daring to send someone here, while it sooner than expected, I suppose that the preparations are completed, Jeffrey?" Philips was looking to where the aura came with a mocking face.

-" Yes, while we could use a bit more time to reinforce some preparations, everything is already in place." Jeffrey had a serious face, they had prepared extensively for this moment.

-" Go and receive the guest, I will appear shortly, I just want to surprise him." Philips's eyes looked menacing.

Jeffrey nodded and walked out of the tent with Byrth and Cyl, they were all tense as they faced the young man who levitated in the sky. As the man saw the three exit the tent he approached them.

-" Are you Jeffrey Strafhampton?" The man eyed the three of them, when he gazed at Byrth his eyes shone with a cold light.

Jeffrey felt that the young man was out of line, he arrived at his camp threatening them with his aura and didn't even introduce himself first.

-" And who exactly wants to know? I don't really appreciate the way you're acting right now." Jeffrey's eyes grew colder as the young man kept his attitude.

-" So I must be right, I'm from the Eternal Sun Sect, there is something we want around him and we can't afford to have you interfere with that, so I came here to make you company for some time." The young man's tone sounded threatening.

-" Oh, I'm sorry, but, we don't really need you to make us company, we were about to head out." Jeffrey suddenly smiled mid-conversation and turned to Cyl who nodded as he saw Jeffrey's eyes.

-" You don't have a say in this matter, If I say that you are staying here there is nothing you can do." Noah's aura grew even more and slammed on Jeffrey and Byrth.

Jeffrey's eyes squinted as he took the hit, but he kept smiling, this made Noah even more confused, he didn't think Jeffrey would resist so much.

-" Oh, why that? Are you forcing us? Are you sure that you can do that?" Jeffrey's voice shook is he endured the pressure of the man's aura.

-" Yes I'm forcing you to stay here, and yes I can, because I'm stronger than all of you. So just shut up and don't try anything." Noah kept looking at Cyl who arrived at a big tent near the end of the camp when a voice suddenly startled him.

-" You are stronger than all of us? Good to know, I didn't think that the Eternal Sun Sect was daring enough to be so disrespectful to us in our own territory." Philips suddenly exited from a tent near Jeffrey.

Noah's eyes trembled as he saw Philips, he didn't think that he would be there. He was almost losing his composure, but, he calmed down and gave a wry laugh.

-" I didn't expect Sir Philips to be here, but, this won't change the final outcome. Elias and Mathias are here, so it would be better for you to remain here." Noah tried his best to look calm, but, deep down he knew that things wouldn't be as simple as he first thought.

-" Oh, Mathias is here too? Good to know, but, let me tell you something young man if the Eternal Sun Sect thinks that we are stepping aside in this matter you are absolutely wrong." Noah's face dropped as he heard Philips, from his tone he knew that he had gotten himself in a troublesome situation, but, before he could start to console himself Cyl had exited the tent.