Philips vs Paul Pt2

-" Casper, keep up the pressure, I will try to help you." Paul was worried about his disciple as he traded blows with Philips.

He knew that when Jeffrey and the other cultivator joined the battle their side would be pressured. As he kept blocking Philips's attacks he waited patiently for an opportunity to interfere in the other fight.

-" You should focus on your own battle." Philips's aura shoot up as he dashed towards Paul's back.

Philips reached Paul and behind him, a giant deer appeared, as Philips kicked the image followed his movements, and kicked with his two back hoofs towards Paul. Philips was so fast that Paul almost couldn't block this attack. As the kick hit the wings instantly shattered and sent Paul flying away.

Before Paul could stabilize himself Philips was already dashing towards him, the deer image mimicked Philips's movements again and followed his thurst with his antlers aiming at Paul.

Paul conjured a trident with his red aura and threw it towards Philips's attack, the shock of the two attacks caused a strong explosion. Everyone tried their best to leave the radius of the explosion, the conflict between the Philips and Paul was too deadly.

Byrth who was flung away by the forces of the explosion got up and looked at Luckas's tent, he was worried about him, the scale of this conflict was too much for them. He wanted to over to Luckas and get him out of there, but, before he could move Cyl and Casper began to clash again.

Casper's slashes were never-ending leaving Cyl and the soldiers with no other option other to defend. Noah who was observing at the side conjured dozens of fireballs and threw them at the two cultivators of the Heigong who were watching the battle.

Casper frowned as he saw the attack, he was about to go over and protect his two junior when Cyl took the opportunity and used the right deer to attack him. The White Deer raised his antlers and gave a low roar, sending a blinding light towards Casper's back.

Casper's red mist began to gather around his swords once again, but this time he spun and the red mist revolved around him. -" Blood Tornado." Casper tornado raged violently as the beam hit it. After clashing for a moment, the beam was deflected and hit the ground, destroying everything in its way.

Casper didn't give them any more chances and quickly rushed towards his juniors, Noah's fireballs looked less threatening than the light beam, but, he knew that this attack was slightly stronger than the previous one.

Casper's swords moved quickly as he slashed at the fireballs coming his way, the fireballs were small but they caused big explosions when they were destroyed. Casper had barely enough time to destroy them before Cyl used the formation to attack again.

-" Go away, i can't afford to protect you guys now."

The youngest of the Heigong cultivator had a bitter face. -" Sorry Ken, Evan we need to hurry." The young man didn't linger any longer and started to run.

Jeffrey saw them running away and dashed towards them. He knew that their presence here would keep the Heigong Cultivator busier. Blue light gathered around Jeffrey as he dashed towards them.

Paul was still exchanging blows with Philips, he wanted to make distance from Philips so he could help Casper, but, Philips's attack barrage was never-ending.

-" If you think that you can help then you will be disappointed." Philips mockery was finally getting under Paul's skin.

Paul covered himself again with his wings, but this time the red mist around him grew, Philips's face darkened as he realized that Paul would finally go all out, Philips didn't seat still as the red mist grew and started to perform seals with his left hand.

-" Heavenly Deer Blessing, Autumn Tree Obeying Brook" As Philips finished the last seal, the image of the deer behind him became energy again and fused into him, Philips was enveloped in a cocoon of light.

The red mist began to turn dark as it expanded, after covering almost the entire camp the mist retreated into Paul's body. His wings grew even larger and thicker. As most of the mist concentrated on him, his wings opened and thousands of red feathers flew out as he revealed himself again.

Paul's arms were covered by a blood gauntlet, the tips of his fingers now extended in gruesome claws, on his face a mask covered his eyes and nose. A red tail wriggled on his back, in its tip a sharp sting slashed the air around him.

Everyone noticed the powers of the feathers and tried to run away, Paul's battle was getting too dangerous for them to be near. Casper didn't want to stay close to the battlefield as he was familiar with Paul's abilities, he took advantage of everyone's retreating and ran away with his two juniors in his arms.

Noah wanted to keep chasing, but, he too gave up and tried to take distance. When he was escaping he noticed Byrth not far away from him, with his cultivation he couldn't evade the attack.

Noah grinned, he could have helped him, but, Byrth and the Strafhamtons underlings were an eyesore to him. He was delighting himself as he watched Byrth desperately try to run away, but, as the feather was closing in on Byrth, Philips cocoon broke and white light shone in every direction.

Philips's eyes were bright like lanterns, on his forehead, there was a pair of antlers that gave off a powerful aura. The light that Philps gave off pushed back against the red mist and dissipated most of the feathers.

Philips and Paul stared at each other, the real battle was about to start.

Jeffrey dashed towards Byrth to take him away when he heard him scream -" Hey Luckas is still on the tent, we need to get him out there." Jeffrey froze as he remembered that Luckas never left the tent, he looked at Luckas's tent with anguish in his eyes.