Out of Control

Inside his tent Luckas was panicking, fire surrounded him, the trauma of his death and almost dying burning inside the cave resurfaced. -" Fuck, Fire again! I'm cursed or something?" He had just finished advancing to the third level of Body Cultivation when he felt the scorching heat on his body.

-" Why did I stay here? Oh my god, this time I may really die." Luckas felt the battle outside previously, but he still decided to stay inside the tent. " Why did they put the camp on fire? Did Philips lose or something?" Luckas threw this idea away, he still could hear the sound of explosions outside his tent.

The only one strong enough to have a battle of this caliber in the camp should be Philips, Luckas looked around his tent looking for an escape route. -" Should I try to run through the fire?"

Luckas looked at his system, he had just obtained one point, he looked at the bonus of the sixth aspect, if he would try to run, he need every help he could, so he wanted to unlock it.

-" Qi Circulation Speed II, Elemental Attunement I, Qi Nourshement rate I. Qi Circulation is a good augment, but, I don't have any idea what Qi Nourshement rate I, and Elemental Attunement I." Luckas felt bitter if he had more time he could read them carefully to understand the augments he was getting.

As Luckas opened the sixth aspect he felt the same marvelous feeling from before, but this time, the feeling of the changes in his body was even greater, however, this feeling only lasted a moment.

Luckas suddenly felt his head throbbing, noises came to him as if a crowd of thousands of people was screaming directly in his ear, he almost lost consciousness as he felt like his mind was being torn apart, he raised his head and looked around only to see red particles gathering around him.

As the red particles revolved around him, the flames in the camp grew even wilder, Philips was caught in surprise, he first thought that Paul was trying to burn the camp to ashes, yet, when he saw Paul's face he noticed something wrong.

Paul felt his control over the flames slowly vanishing, he feed it more life essence and tried to regain control, however, no matter how much he tried his control only diminished. Fear and confusion were visible in Paul's eyes, he couldn't understand why his flames were acting like this.

Philips saw how panicked Paul was and decided to take advantage of this, he instantly dashed towards Paul thrusting his spear. Paul was too shocked to react properly and blocked with his wings.

The impact sent Paul flying, his decaying life essence severally reduced his strength, even his wings were getting slimmer and smaller, Paul thought that someone was helping Philips, yet, when he searched for the person he didn't find anyone.

Paul's surprise only grew as he noticed that all the fire QI was gathering near the center of the camp, the Fire Qi all around the Verdant FOrest kept flowing to there, the absurd quantity of Elemental Qi made even Philips shocked.

He knew that Luckas tent was there and decided to check on him, he barely could sense Luckas presence through all the energy there, Philips noticed how the Fire Qi was gathering and revolving around Luckas.

Philips was instantly relieved as he knew that Luckas was safe, but, the relief suddenly turned into shock as he realized something. The one who had the primal awakening inside the cave wasn't Byrth, but Luckas.

They never considered Luckas was the one to cause the phenomenon as he wasn't even a cultivator at that time. Philips was incredulous, how much elemental Affinity does one need to have to cause a Primal Awakening before his start in cultivation?

Inside his tent, Luckas clutched his head with his trembling hands, the noise only grew stronger making him fall down, the pain in his head got so strong that Luckas began to scream desperately, the flames reacted to Luckas chaotic emotional state and a gigantic fire pillar formed with Luckas as its center.

Philips and Paul who were watching the phenomenon in shock took their distance, even the battle between the Heigong cultivators and the Eternal Sun Sect group stopped as they saw the fire pillar.

Everyone felt fear of the Fire Pillar that looked like it was trying to burn the heavens to cinders. Elias felt relieved at first as the battle stopped and he finally could rest for a bit when it dawned on him the power of this fire pillar.

-" We should retreat, something big is happening." Elias's face was horrible pale as he looked toward the fire pillar.

His expedition was a complete failure, too many strange things happened today, first, it was the hordes of demonic beasts in this region that occupied them, after this was the Heigong attack and now this fire pillar.

He knew that backing now was the right choice, he didn't know what happened to Noah and eviting more casualties was the best course of action. Mathias at his side nodded as he held his bleeding shoulder.

Not far away from the Fire pillar Jeffrey, Cyl, Noah, and the soldiers too stopped. Jeffrey was worried about his uncle, he never expected Paul to have this much power.

-" What the fuck is that? Is this a spell of the Heigong Elder?" Noah's face palled, if Philips lost the fight and someone with this much power joined the other battle, they all would be wiped out.

-" If he was that powerful we all would be dead right now, something must be happening there." Cyl wanted nothing more than to go further away from the fire pillar, yet, he was worried about Byrth's situation. " Byrth is still close there, should we go back?"

Jeffrey froze, the situation only grew more complicated as time passed, he knew that one wrong decision would be their end. He shook his head. -" Let's go check on the cultivators from the Eternal Sun Sect first." He wanted to go over to help Byrth and Luckas, but as someone from the Strafhampton family, he had to prioritize the safety of the Eternal Sun Sect cultivators right now.

With a heavyweight in his conscience, Jeffrey turned back and kept walking in the direction of the Eternal Sun Sect group.