King Valorant was a ghetto guy from the hood. He was evil and was the head of a cruel gang he started. He knew who to target for his cruel crimes. Before King Valorant was the king of the planet Voth, a pretty high place in status as he ruled an entire planet...
A place he should never have...
But, regardless, prior to his kingly status, he was a busboy. He lived in a ghetto. He glorified gang culture. He was from an abusive childhood and power was all he wanted to make himself feel like he wasn't worthless, even if it meant killing people.
Valorant's name before his rule was actually Todd.
The name Todd was boring, and thus, he changed it to Valorant.
Todd didn't have much going for him at first.
Todd flunked all of his classes, stole from people, and killed women primarily.
It's a wonder how he became king unless...
There are ways you can rule such as:
1. A coup, where you overthrow a goverment.
2. Marrying a royal.
3. Being elected, but that was an Earth thing.
There were no civil wars before Valorant and considering the previous King ruled the planet, the whole planet was at peace at this point in time.
Todd was always dreaming of controlling the world.
Todd decided to gain a small piece of weakness to his inner desires for control.
Todd looks for boys who came from troubled childhoods. He needed a childhood that loosened morality, something that makes you less likely to know right from wrong.
Todd wanted kids from violent childhoods. Kids who had no idea it was wrong to just randomly beat someone due to the immorality of their parents.
The kids had to have come from countries or areas that had high rates of killing.
Todd preferred this.
Todd wanted someone who wouldn't even dare to speak up to him when threatened with violence.
Todd wants a kid who is mentally ill, the reason is that he wants to be able to manipulate them easier.
"Slow" people are not targets, they may not do as he wants them to do and a lot of them are pretty nice but also naive.
Todd heavily considered manipulating "slow" people to lure in people to kill for his initiations, but he digressed. Todd didn't even want the "slow" people to know what was going on.
Todd wanted to use mentally disabled people to lure in victims of murder by his gang without the disabled person's knowledge or consent.
Todd would look for young, teenage, abused girls of all types to charm and lure into his gang. He knew he could get some of them to kill if he just lowered their morale enough or threatened their lives.
Todd has even thought of having one kidnap a baby.
Which he did.
Once his group was formed, Todd was 19 at the time and all the members of his group were ages 15-18. Todd preferred if they were all young than him.
The more innocent, the better. The gang leader, Todd, took care of his children while most of the others kept a low profile to ensure their well-being. All members of his gang would take turns keeping track of the younger members, and the youngest member was always the last to learn of their plans.
He took one of those 16-year-olds he kidnapped named Molly and he had plans to have her kill two other children, Bob and Tim, to prove his loyalty. They were taken to his secret hideout, which was quite literally underground but he still owned it and he made sure to have guards around it in case anyone tried to escape or attack.
Molly hesitated from killing the 13-year-old Bob and 5-year-old Tim, so Bob snatched the knife from Molly's shaking hands and stabbed Molly and Todd, took his brother, and ran.
Todd had his men catch Bob but Tim managed to escape. Bob was stabbed with no hesitation by Todd.
This was the type of man Todd was. He put Bob's body in a box and mailed it to some random guy whose address he got online.
Yeah, that guy was named Janes who turned out to be Tim and Bob's father.
James called the police and had a mental breakdown.
Todd didn't even mean to send it to him, Todd just want to send it to any random person to give them a scare.
Once Todd got older, at 27, Todd formed a coup and killed the King of the planet. His city was the capital of the planet because the King lived there.
Todd had gathered enough criminals who felt angry at the king for imprisoning them for their sick crimes and planned to help them escape.
Once he took over, things got very uneasy. People were being forced to starve as Todd, who had renamed himself Valorant, would randomly pick from a crowd of children to have a guard lock in a small, metal, empty room and leave the child in there for 5 days with no food, water, toilet, etc. Nothing to meet your needs.
He wanted a guard that no matter how much a child cried, the guard wouldn't help.