Mating For Royalty in "The Royalty"

As a mare, I needed a stallion to help me rule, it would be a long process, he would have to take countless therapy appointments to see if he was fit to rule, most royal family members are too privileged to get therapy before they rule.


I was always kind of skeptical about this law, not hat part, but the fact that a blood related royal from our country couldn't get therapy except for if you asked for it or the royal king and queen did, as it is only there for the safety of our people.


I don't want to marry an abuser and have my people suffer.


There sites specifically designed for you to look for a mate, these were called mating sites.


Online you would go to get married, that's right, married.


You would search up the people who advertised themselves for marriage, this site was built for those who wanted their children and family members to get married but had no one to arrange it with.


However, now it is against the law. Too many people were getting into dangerous relationships now only royal family members can get into it.

This is because real family members have therapy for their spouses. We check to see if they are mentally sane. We also have a living arrangement, you can't really have sex in this living arrangement, but you have to live like a married couple without the sex.


We had the potential king or queen ruling over certain parts of he kingdom, but not the whole Kingdom. Only willing volunteers will be in the places that they were to temporarily rule over if they did a bad job. In small amounts, guards, servants and maids, etc. All went to their "fake palace" to serve them to see how they treated the servants. Only blood royal family members knew of this test.


It was a very well kept secret in our country.


They trick them into thinking that the test would start at later time but we really had varying times so they never really knew. All in all, we would just tell them they are to rule alone. If they could not handle it, they were booted.

If they showed signs of dangerous behavior, they were booted, basically any kind of sign they will not be a fit ruler, they were booted.


Most of the time we'd lie and say we wouldn't do the test but do it anyway.


Sometimes we told them we were going to do the test, but never did to keep them on their toes and only did it at a certain time when they were less suspicious of the test.


blood Rose (the name of our royal family) family members had the right to boot their spouses, even if they were the wife. This is because if someone knows about the test they can easily lie and can act like a good ruler until they get to be an official ruler, and this is in case if the ruler ever acted differently towards the people after becoming king or queen even if he is the king and she is the queen because after you get married to a stallion, your power is immediately shifted which is why Queens usually have about 5 years of ruling before they get married unless by choice.

Human years as horse years were too short.


5 years because the process lasted about 3 years. The counseling lasted about 1 year.


Usually after a year of ruling the queen or king would be required to get a husband or wife and in these years, they would both be tested.


shockingly real family members or blood-related members of the family never had to do this. We were just given the throne the time we were 18.

A dangerous thing to do, but it was culture.


Kings were the ones who mostly had to do this, you see, the males had a higher hierarchy in the Royal family, if a queen had married a stallion, she would have immediately had to give up her ruler ship and hand it over to the king. The queen would then have a life of luxury.

Laze around, do nothing, you know, just stuff you would do if you had the stereotypical life of a ruler.


Do nothing and let everyone else do it for you.


The king did all of the royal chores, that included going to other countries and making peace treaties, having to travel miles and nauseous miles to different places all the time, my father literally threw up on a plane trying to get to Handury, the land of zebras to talk with their King about a peace treaty. Not with our country 'cuz our country usually didn't have wars, we never start them. We are a peace keeping country.


They had a war with the Buffalo country called Santannas.


He was trying to keep the peace, Kings from peace countries were most often called over to keep peace with other countries because they were so good with keeping peace with their own. Kings of a country that claimed to be a peacekeeping country had to be very good at negotiating for other countries and for their own as well to not have wars, this often meant either two things: telling people what they want to hear or what they have to hear. Most of the time we had to tell the truth. Because other countries didn't appreciate us lying to them. It all depends on who your talking to.