Chapter 3 Wrong Person

After rinsing off in the bathroom, Gu Tingwei picked up his cell phone and made a call, "Gu Zhao, you come over to send me clothes right away."

Gu Zhao, who had been waiting outside the door, quickly brought the clothes in.

He did not dare to look at Gu Tingwei, bowed his head and said: "Young master, you were backstabbed, we had no choice, I looked for many women, but they were all thrown out by you. The old lady Gu gave an oral order to let the women in the upper class, who have a clean background and have a clean body, to try it out."

"Miss Qiao recommended herself and said she likes you and has never had a boyfriend, I know your passion for cleanliness, so that's why I let her try ..."

Gu Tingwei said with the clam voice, "No need to say anything, send her back when she wakes up."

Gu Zhao's cell phone suddenly rang, he glanced at it and hurriedly whispered, "Young master, It's old lady Gu calling."

Gu Tingwei took the phone, put it in his ear and heard: "Tingwei, I know what happened last night. After so many years, you don't even touch a woman's hand. Now you finally have a suitable woman, but you can't be a love cheat. You need to get engaged at a suitable time."

The scene from last night flashed through his mind, and Gu Tingwei said softly, "I know, grandma."

Hanging up the phone, Gu Tingwei frowned and asked, "Last night, was Qiao Xue the only one who came?"

"Yes, I didn't see anyone else." Gu Zhao answered.


The Gu family's maids waited on Qiao Xue to wash up, changed her into the latest seasonal clothes of high luxury customization, and sent her home.

After getting off the car, the housekeeper of Gu family handed over a beautifully carved jewelry box with both hands and said,

"Miss Qiao, this is what old lady Gu asked me to give you, to reassure you that the Gu family will not treat you badly."

Qiao Xue took it, opened the box, only to see Qiao Xue took it, opened the box, only to see that inside the box there was a bright green bracelet like containing water, even people who do not know jade glanced at it and could know that it is worth a lot of money.

Qiao Xue understood that Gu family had chosen her.

The Gu family group, that was the top family that she usually couldn't even think about. Who can't be moved by such a rich man?

She suppressed her inner excitement and pretended as if she did not care, "Please thank old lady Gu for me."

Qiao Xue turned around and entered the house, the smile on her face could no longer be suppressed.

She quickly took out her cell phone and called her mother, Tian Fulan.

"Mom, old lady Gu gave me a bracelet, it's a token from the Gu family, they should acknowledge that I'm Gu Tingwei's savior."

Tian Fulan smiled with satisfaction, "Well."

But Qiao Xue thought of the dozen or so calls from Shen Yuxin on her cell phone, and was a little scared.

"Mom, if Shen Yuxin finds out we were scheming against her, she'll tear me apart!"

Thinking of her stepdaughter, Tian Fulan sneered.

Qiao Xue was no longer a virgin, which did not meet old lady Gu's requirements, but she can not let go of yesterday's opportunity, then she had to make good use of her stepdaughter.

Tian Fulan asked Qiao Xue to cheat Shen Yuxin into the hotel, and when Shen Yuxin left, then had Qiao Xue replace Shen Yuxin and become the woman who helped Gu Tingwei to release the effects of the drug!

In this way, she counted her stepdaughter and helped her biological daughter at the same time.

Tian Fulan made up her mind: "What are you afraid of? Even if Shen Yuxin will know, she dares to say anything!"

An actress who lives on her looks, and she was getting married soon, how dare she put herself in such a big scandal!

"Qiao Xue, you don't worry, I will not only let you marry into the Gu family in a scenic way, but also let you become the eldest lady of the Shen family instead of Shen Yuxin, so you don't have to live your life with the small name of the Qiao family. As for Shen Yuxin, I have a way to ruin her reputation and future!"

"Is it true, mom?" Qiao Xue was excited.

Tian Fulan remarried Shen Yuxin's father, hiding the fact that she had once given birth to a daughter.

Over the years, Qiao Xue and she have always been in private contact.

Qiao Xue has longed for Shen family's wealth and prosperity for a long time.

"How can I lie to you, everything Shen Yuxin has will soon be yours, my dear. You call her back first, she won't be a threat to you, wait and see, tonight's wedding is the good show!"

Qiao Xue took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and called Shen Yuxin.

The phone was picked up, Shen Yuxin answered it, and Qiao Xue immediately said,

"Yuxin, I'm sorry, I sent you the wrong name of the hotel, did you go last night?"

Shen Yuxin's voice was deep: "Where were you last night?"

Qiao Xue pretended to be chagrined, "Paslan hotel and Paslin hotel are very similar, and I only just realized that I gave you the wrong name. I slept in the hotel all night, and when I woke up and saw that you hadn't come, I was even angry. However, it turns out that it was my own stupidity!"

Shen Yuxin didn't know if she should trust Qiao Xue, but she couldn't let others know about her experience at last night.

Shen Yuxin's hand was clenched tightly, her nails pinched into her palm, and she calmly said, "I happened to have something to do last night and didn't go."

Qiao Xue breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, it's all my fault, Yuxin, you mustn't be angry with me."

"Well ... I wouldn't."

"Then wait for me, I will go to you now, the night is your wedding with Yang Zhou, I am your bridesmaid, so I absolutely will not be late."


Qiao Xue put down her phone and stared at Shen Yuxin's name on the screen, her face was suffused with malevolence.

"Shen Yuxin, don't blame me, you are the one who is in my way, the one who is in my way should be removed!"


At Shen's home, Tian Fulan was fascinated with her iPad.

Hearing the maid call out to her, "Master is back."

She was so frightened that she hurriedly hid the iPad behind her, with a just-right touch of panic on her face, and said, "Yaotian, you're back!"

Shen Yaotian took off his jacket and handed it to the maid, "What are you looking at?"

Tian Fulan pretended that she didn't want him to see the iPad, "I wasn't looking at anything, why did you come back so early today?"

Shen Yaotian came over and directly grabbed the iPad.

"Eh, don't look at ..."