Chapter 6 Ill-disposed Man

After Shen Yuxin left, Su Fei stopped the reporters: "Sorry guys, sorry, our Shen Yuxin... was irritated today, her brain is not very clear. In a couple of days, we will be dedicated to open a press conference ... sorry guys ..."


The other side.

Qiao Xue ran out after Shen Yuxin, "Shen Yuxin, wait for me,"

Shen Yuxin turned back and finally stopped, waiting for Qiao Xue to catch up.

Qiao Xue crossed her waist, panting heavily, said with an indignant face, "Shen Yuxin, why did you go so fast, I'm so angry, you are so good, Yang Zhou, that fucking scum, unexpectedly betrayed you and was with Tian Zichen! Sooner or later, he will regret it!"

"Yang Zhou is scum, it's good that you see his true colors earlier."

Looking at Qiao Xue's angry look for herself, Shen Yuxin felt that probably she had overthought before, the one who designed her last night should not be Qiao Xue, perhaps this matter was only related to Tian Zichen, otherwise how would Tian Zichen know what she went through last night.

When Qiao Xue raised her arm, Shen Yuxin narrowed her eyes and saw the beautiful bracelet on Qiao Xue's wrist.

Such top-quality imperial green onyx was very rare, and Qiao Xue simply couldn't afford it.

She asked offhandedly, "This bracelet is quite pretty."

Qiao Xue's expression changed, the corners of her mouth curled weirdly, and she quickly became shy.

Shen Yuxin didn't notice the wry smile, "You have a boyfriend?"

Qiao Xue nodded shyly: "Yes, we just got together, if you have time, let me take you to meet with him, you help me to see his character."


She held Shen Yuxin's hand and said tenderly, "Shen Yuxin, no matter what time it is, I will always be with you."

Shen Yuxin's heart was softened, she had always been independent and strong, but when someone was willing to stay by her side and believe in herself, she was somewhat touched, "Thank you, Xue!"

Qiao Xue had a smile on her face, "No thanks, you're my best friend."

The kind of friend who hopes you'd better get the hell out of here.


In the early hours of the morning, at the Aria Clubhouse!

As soon as Gu Tingwei entered the door, he heard a sound like a ghost shouting.

Yin Chongnan waved with an excited face, "Brother, come and see, this actress is so great, I like her so much!"

"What's the use of you liking her, and it's not your turn to be her boyfriend. If I were Yang Zhou and had such a girlfriend, how could I give up her to cheat?"

"Stop it, just like her woman, Yang Zhou does not deserve her at all."

When Gu Tingwei looked down, he just saw the scene where Shen Yuxin raised her hand to wipe off her lipstick, and her eyes were so bright that they seemed to be burning with fire.

She was so beautiful and open!

Looking at her face, his thoughts wavered for a moment.

He had to admit that a woman like Shen Yuxin was too aggressive, open, simple and sexy ...

All man wants to conquer her, wants to make her his woman.

"Gu Tingwei definitely can't like this kind of woman, she just doesn't look like a well-behaved woman."

"You're right ... or a clean looking girl like Qiao Xue is more suitable for Gu Tingwei."

Gu Tingwei inexplicably felt a little uncomfortable and frowned: "That's enough, you guys stop looking."

Yin Chongnan's handsome face was full of excitement and he said, "I like this woman, and I'm telling you that her is mine, so take back all your thoughts."

Yin Chongnan has always been so arrogant.

Gu Tingwei sat down: "Don't forget that you have a fiancée."

"So what? A woman like her is just for fun, when the novelty wears off, I'll kick her out, it's not like I'm going to fall in love with her."

Someone joked, "Then what you say isn't necessarily accurate."

There was no reason for Gu Tingwei to feel a sudden pang of distress.

He frowned a little, his eyes were dark, and said coldly, "I said, turn your phone off."

The others looked at each other and had a tacit agreement to turn off the live images.

Although the people who came today are all young masters of the city's powerful families, but for them, Gu Tingwei was not the same as them.

Except for Yin Chongnan who dared to speak to him in the brotherly tone, no one dared to disobey him.

The atmosphere here was awkward when Qiao Xue came in and apologized, "Sorry, It seems I am too late!"

When she appeared, she drew a scream.

"Not too late, not too late, Miss Qiao came just in time."

"You shouldn't call her Miss Qiao, you should called her sister-in-law."

Qiao Xue blushed, looking innocent and pure.

Looking at her, Gu Tingwei inexplicably remembered Shen Yuxin, who was so dazzling and full of thorns, like the most tempting poison.

Old lady Gu wanted Qiao Xue to have more contact with him to deepen the relationship between them. He had no choice, so he ordered the maids to fetch her over.

Qiao Xue sat beside Gu Tingwei and fearfully reached out to tug on his sleeve: "Something happened to my friend, I stayed with her a little longer, you ... don't get angry."

Looking at the handsome and noble man beside her, the smugness in her heart was about to overflow.

This was Gu Tingwei ah, the man she once did not even dare to think of, now, was going to be her fiancé.

Gu Tingwei's expression sank slightly, obviously they had already had the most intimate contact, but from the moment Qiao Xue sat down, he began to reject her from the bottom of his heart.

Without showing it, he secretly withdrew his arm and lifted his glass, as if asking her casually, "Which friend of yours friends?"

Yin Chongnan came over, "Is the friend you're talking about Shen Yuxin?"

The moment this name was said, the scene was in chaos.

"We almost forgot, everyone says you are quite close to Shen Yuxin, so tell us if she is a good girl?"

"How much can I buy her for one night?"