Chapter 13 You Dare to Fool Me

His eyes were dark, like an icy abyss, he fiercely pinched the back of Shen Yuxin's neck and pressed her hard against himself.

Shen Yuxin stretched out two fingers to block Gu Tingwei's lips: "Mr. Gu, don't cross the line , you are my good friend's boyfriend."

Just now, there had been a voice in her heart saying: "last night, Qiao Xue had problems with all her behavior. Take revenge. She cares about her boyfriend so much.So seduce her boyfriend!"

But in the end, her sanity prevailed.

If she did that, what was the difference between her and the kind of person she hated the most?

Gu TingYu pinched Shen Yuxin's thin waist and didn't let her go: "Do you know what happens to people who dare to tease me?"

A hoarse voice, suppressed an unseen hostility.

Shen Yuxin changed her sultry face and smiled innocently: "How is this a tease, I just want you to distinguish what exactly is seduction."

The two were particularly close, even their breaths mingling together. But her eyes were unmistakably clear.

"You are the most noble man, but not all women, want to sleep with you!"

Until Shen Yuxin opened the door and walked out, Gu Tingwei didn't even look up at her again.

He put down his coffee and the corners of his lips curled slightly.

This woman, was really bold.

If she really was a woman who was trying to do everything she can to seduce rich men, then she shouldn't let go of a target as rich as him.

But she didn't ...

Either, she really doesn't like him!

Or she was doing this on purpose to get his attention!

The phone rang, he glanced at it and picked it up.


"Gu Tingwei, you take Qiao Xue home for a meal today!"

"... Well."

Shen Yuxin did not know at this time that a greater doom was about to befall.

A platform of a live studio suddenly flooded with tens of millions of people.

In front of the camera, there was a fat man, which looked haggard with beard and dark eye. His hair was so oily that it could drop oil, the ashtray on the table was full of cigarette butts.

He spoke, "Hello everyone I am Wang Zhigang, the manager of the female artist Fan Shujie who died two and a half years ago. After her death, I have not slept a sound sleep, as soon as I close my eyes, it is the tragic situation of Fan Shujie's death, she keeps asking me why I don't tell the truth?"

"Yes, as someone said two days ago, Fan Shujie she ... was killed by someone, it was Shen Yuxin, she not only seduce Fan Shujie's boyfriend, but also asked a group of people raped Fan Shujie for the role, Fan Shujie could not stand the blow, jumped out of a building and died!"

He cried in front of the camera with tears streaming down his face: "I'm sorry, I'm a cowardly man, I have a wife and children, I'm just an agent, I have no status in the entertainment industry, Shen Yuxin can kill me easily if she finds any rich man. When Shen Yuxin wanted me to help her hide this matter, she repeatedly seduced me, sending me her nude photos and pornographic videos at night."

"Nowadays, I'm afraid that my wife will find those dirty pictures and delete them long ago too! I have no way to directly produce evidence against such a horrible woman!"

"Now, everyone can finally see Shen Yuxin's ugly face through her infidelity!"

"I only dare to come out and testify this thing, I can guarantee with my life that what I say is true. If there is a false word, let God punish me!"

Wang Zhigang showed very determined in front of the camera. The haggard look, steely eyes, and his tears, had become a very incendiary weapon.

In addition, he was the former manager of Fan Shujie. From the perspective of netizens, his words were highly credible.

Viewers who mistakenly entered the live studio spread the news. Instantly, the broadcast was pushed into the top trending search!

This living streaming directly pushed Shen Yuxin, who had recently been on the edge of the abyss, into hell!


At 3pm, Shen Yuxin was at home searching for Tian Zichen's information, she now just wanted to find out who the person who had set her up that night was, and apparently, Tian Zichen should be the answer!

But she hadn't been looking for long when she received a call from her agent, Su Fei.

"Shen Yuxin, from now on, you'd better not look at your phone or TV, I'll call you before I go, and don't open the door for anyone except me, can you hear me?" Su Fei's urgent voice was obviously different from usual.

Shen Yuxin clenched her fist: "Su Fei, what's going on here?"

"Just stay out of it, leave the matter to me! Remember what I said, don't look at ..."

"But I ... am already looking at it." Shen Yuxin's voice trembled a little.

She had already clicked on Twitter by hand, and the dirty photos, all humiliating words, instantly overwhelmed her like a tidal wave.

Her stiff fingers clicked those news one by one, and at that moment, in the eyes of all -

She seemed to be a rat that was rotten to the bone and smelled fishy all over.

#ShenYuXin, was human blood buns delicious? #

# Murderer Shen Yuxin#

#Shen Yuxin you will pay for it#

She clicked on a tweet.

"Fan Shujie was so kind to you. She has said so many times that you are her own sister and have given you so much help. As long as you have a little conscience, you can't do such immoral and illegal things. You seduced her boyfriend, forced her to commit suicide, and took the resources she introduced to you step by step to become superstar, you don't deserve to be a human being!"

There were many netizens who had taken the initiative to create a topic, strongly requesting the police to review the case of Fan Shujie's suicide, to give justice to her dead, and to let Shen Yuxin ambush the law.

Fan Shujie already had many fans. Although she died, but the fan base was still there, there were still so many fake fans in the middle of provoking things, In a short period of time, her reputation has fallen to the bottom.

Curses, insults, posthumous photos, the entire network had become a place to criticize Shen Yuxin.