Chapter 29 Encounter with A Teenager by Chance

Encounter with A Teenager by ChanceShe hid in the shadows, and when Tian Zichen passed by, she suddenly appeared to cover her mouth and dragged her into the bathroom next to her.

Before Tian Zichen could react, she pressed her head into the sink filled with water.

Tian Zichen struggled, wanted to scream, but could not break free. The water poured into her nose, mouth, the choking feeling of death came.

Then she heard the voice that made her cringe so much.

"Tian Zichen, you have to listen and answer whatever I ask. Don't talk nonsense to me, if you don't say anything I will kill you, I don't want to live now anyway."

Tian Zichen instinctively shivered.

With a crash, Shen Yuxin grabbed her hair and yanked her head up.

Tian Zichen's face was full of pain and her eyes were full of fear.

"I ... I say ..."

She was afraid of Shen Yuxin, so much.

"How did you know that I was with another man the night before the wedding?"

"I ..."