May You All Eventually Become Me

-- I thought I could keep going, but, I was too tired.

No one sees me crying out desperately, you only believe in what you believe to be true, so stupid and selfish.

I think you will be very happy when I die.

Then I wish you all, like me, to experience the pain of having your flesh cut off one by one with gossip someday.

May you all eventually become me!

Finally, Dad, this is the last time I call you that. I'm sorry I let you down, and in the future, I won't be able to be by your side anymore.

I don't know how to prove to you that I never did any of those things, so I can only use the most stupid way to prove.

I'm going to find my mom, don't worry, she'll take care of me!

Signature: Shen Yuxin


Everyone who had abused Shen Yuxin subconsciously got a cold behind after seeing this suicide note.

Those words were written by Shen Yuxin with blood, it was a curse shouted with life.

The trend on the Internet gradually began to shift with the appearance of this suicide note.