Who Is the Person You Like?

She waited for about two or three minutes before she heard his footsteps leaving.

Shen Yuxin's lips raised a bad smile, she secretly planted a seed in Gu Tingwei's heart, making him think that the one she likes is him.

This way, whether she seduced or slept with him, he would automatically give an explanation.

She couldn't resist doing it!

Tsk, it was tiring to play this kind of pity play.

Su Fei came in carefully, "Who is that man?"

Shen Yuxin woke up, so Su Fei came over especially to keep her company this evening.

She just went out to answer a phone call, did not expect to come back to see a man hugging Shen Yuxin, she was so scared that she hurriedly hid and dared to come back only when he left.

Shen Yuxin laughed heartily: "He's Qiao Xue's man!"

Su Fei's face was shocked: "You ..."

Shen Yuxin put up a finger on her lips.

"It's good that you understand."

Su Fei lifted her hand and gave her a gentle poke on the forehead.