Chapter 6: A New Opportunity

“From the look on your face I can tell that the meeting did not end well,” Dylan said as Zoe got back into the car.

“You have no idea. Everyone at my old office is going to know that I am no longer engaged, and I am out of a job. I have rent to pay, and bills, and I need a car, and I have nothing” Zoe said, feeling defeated.

Dylan reached over to touch Zoe’s hand.

“Zoe, it’s going to be okay. I can get you a job at the law firm I work at. I know they are looking for a secretary with sales experience. I can pass on your resume and let them know you are serious about looking for a job. I can guarantee you an interview at least, and they will likely want to meet with you today, but the rest is up to you” Dylan said, as he stroked Zoe’s hand.

At this exact moment, she would have pushed his hand away if she weren’t feeling so low. But she needed the support. For the first time since she got back from the airport, she felt like telling her parents what happened. She wasn’t sure she could do this on her own. Starting over was one thing. But having to start over with nothing and no support system was something entirely different.

So, she allowed his hand to rest on hers.

“I don’t know what to say, Dylan. Thank you. I don’t have any secretarial experience whatsoever though. Are you sure they would even consider me?” Zoe asked.

Dylan nodded, finally removing his hand.

“I have a fair bit of influence over there, and they have been short a secretary for a few weeks now. I am sure they will be happy to meet with you” Dylan said, starting the car and beginning to drive away.

This man may be a stranger to her, but he had been more kind to her than Kyle had for most of their relationship. Kyle rarely looked out for her, and he rarely did anything for her that wouldn’t directly benefit him in some way.

Here was this man, someone she didn’t know, sharing his apartment with her, helping her find a job, and driving her around.

Was she blind her entire relationship to what true kindness could feel like? How had she stayed with Kyle for as long as she did?

Zoe had trouble with change. Once she was comfortable, she hated the idea of being uprooted. That’s why the idea of moving was hard for her. She cried about it for weeks, but never said a word to Kyle, for fear that it would cause a fight.

“I’m taking you home Zoe. I am going to call the office and get you in for an interview this afternoon. Go home, and find something business-like to wear. I promise things will work out” Dylan said smiling.

He seemed so sure of what her future would hold, but she couldn’t find it in herself to be optimistic. She let go of everything for Kyle, and she was beginning to feel resentful.

As she stared at the window at the city, Dylan didn’t say anything else the rest of the ride home.

“Here we are, Zoe. Let’s head inside, and get you that interview” he said.

Zoe nodded while thinking about what she would wear. She had a few business-casual outfits she had packed for Manitoba, and she hoped that they weren’t wrinkled, especially because she didn’t have an ironing board or anything else for that matter.

Once she was back in her room, she pushed her heavy suitcase onto her bed. After some rummaging, she found a black pencil skirt and a white blouse. This would have to do.

Within a few moments of changing, she heard a knock at her bedroom door.

She wasn’t able to answer it right away, and so, she heard Dylan begin to speak through the door.

“You are lucky that I am great friends with the CEO. Remember how I told you the firm has been one secretary short for the last while? There haven’t been any applications. So long as you appear to be serious about the role and your interview goes well, the job will be yours” Dylan said.

Zoe could barely contain her excitement. As a smile rushed across her face, she ran to open the door. Feeling ecstatic, she jumped into Dylan’s arms.

“Thank you, thank you! I don’t know what to say” Zoe replied, nuzzling her face into his neck, with her arms around his waist.

As she stayed there momentarily, she noticed how good he smelled. She couldn’t exactly describe the smell, but it was sweet. Notes of vanilla, mint, and something else.

As she allowed herself to inhale his scent, unlike any other, he didn’t try to push her away. Instead, he also placed his arms around her.

“I know you're having a tough go. I am taking you to the office now. The name of the company is D&D Law Associates. Do some research on our way there, and memorize their mission statement” Dylan said.

Zoe nodded, as she finally released him and took a few steps back.

Instead of looking at her awkwardly for hugging him so tightly, all he did was smile. She felt slightly embarrassed, but as she recalled his scent, her embarrassment disappeared. Dylan reminded her of home.

As they made their way back to the car, she began her research. The company was founded two years ago by an unnamed managing partner. The CEO started the company and turned it into an immense success, taking over some of the largest corporate cases in the Greater Toronto Area.

D&D started by renting a small office space, but since then has amassed the entire fifth floor of the building.

Why was the CEO unnamed? She recalled that Dylan had said he was friends with the CEO, indicating that at least he knew who he was.

“I see that it says the CEO is unnamed. Yet, you said you were friends with him?” Zoe asked questioningly.

Dylan took his hand and rubbed it over his face as they stopped at a light.

“Technically, I am friends with the CEO’s secretary. I know her. We used to date way back in the day. Knowing the CEO’s secretary is just as good as knowing the man himself. The CEO keeps a low profile, and there is no designated office space for him either. D&D was founded upon the desire to help people, and I've heard the CEO does not want the publicity that comes along with the role. It's been said that his focus is on desiring justice, avoiding dirty deals, and doing the right thing” Dylan said.

Zoe nodded.

“Seems like a wonderful place to work. I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me Dylan” Zoe said smiling.

Dylan turned towards her as they finally approached the office building, and he turned the car off.

Zoe knew he was about to say something to her, but she wasn’t sure what.

“The only thing I ask is for a proper dinner tonight. I want to cook for you, and I would like you to let me” Dylan pleaded.

Zoe smiled. She couldn’t possibly say no. Not now. Not after he had set up this interview for her when she had nothing to look forward to.

“I think that’s something I can manage,” Zoe said, winking at Dylan as she stepped out of the car, making her way to D&D.