@Smithi House:
When Rinson reached Smithi's house, Smithi house were filled with relatives.
"What is this ?"(Rinson with shock)
"Eee that's why I told you to let's go later but you dragged me here."(Smithi)
Rinson raised his one side eyebrow and asked,"What you said your house has bundle of relatives let's not go, Will go later"(Rinson hit here forehead with his Index finger)
"Yeah I..."(Smithi)
"If you dared just finish the sentence"(Rinson)
"Umm... mommy!"(Smithi shouted)
Smithi mom arrived and welcomed both them
"You can fresh up in that room, You might be tired"(Mom)
"Yeah mom,I'll go now"(Smithi went to fresh up)
Smithi mom paused her by holding her collar "You go dear"(Mom to Rinson )
"You tell me about him first"(Mom to Smithi)
"That I will tell you later, How come our house has too many people?"(Smithi)
While talking them someone called Smithi
"Hey, Smithi how are you? It is been a long time since we saw you blah blah blah"
Smithi had random chat with the people there.
(There is a wedding in their Area, So Smithi family relatives were there for casual visit.There one of her relative aunty's son liked Smithi and he told about that to his mom, His mom called Smithi for application)
"Do you remember him? My son, Your MAMA(Her Mother's Brother's son )"(Aunty)
"Yeah I do remember. How are you? How is your work is going bro?"(Smithi)
"Yeah fine"(Her mama related guy)
"You have to call him mama not bro"(Aunty)
"It's okay Aunty, That's how I called every mamas here"(Smithi laughed)
"If you call everyone as bro, How can we get you married with our sons"(Aunty)
"Sons???"(Rinson suddenly entered )
"Yeah Babe. Theko I have high demand here"(Smithi leave the place with holding Rinson arm around)
They went to a place where no one will disturb them.
"Ahhww, My darling"(Rinson admired her)
"You are very good at delivery things in indirect manner! I were so tensed then and now I'm Happy"
"But your family? We didn't ..."(Rinson asked with worried)
"Shhu"Smithi turned him by holding his cheek and show her mother, Her mother Smiled on him.
Rinson looked Smithi with shock.
"I already asked my mom and dad, Only after getting okay I talked with you"(Smithi smiled)
"You little doggy"(Rinson hugged her in happiness)
"Wait What if they said no"(Rinson asked Smithi)
"There is no If exist in this world Mr.Rin"(Smithi)
"Ohh hoo, Anyhow things are in likeable manner just let it be."(Rinson)
@Alice House
Alice phone kept ringing but she were in deep sleep. Continuous ring made her slightly open her eyes and she picked the phone and she heard a new voice "After he left the area cut the hands and wrap it into plastic cover and put it into a dustbin next to his house hurry" phone hangs
"What!!"Alice wake up with shock. She ran towards hall in one corner there is a body inside a glassbox. She got scared
she ran out side, There is a guy appeared from nowhere with gun and said "I will catch that punk Today ,Be careful ALICE" and left hurry in bike. As soon as he left, One girl secretly entered in his house and she gives a signal to Alice (which is like hurry up)
Alice got confused and scared, everything seems new to her. She run to find knife and hold two knifes in her both hands, she followed the mysterious girl. Before she cross the road she saw the man with gun return back, she ran away from there. She almost exhausted and Stood before a stranger house
When she turned the guy stood behind her, "What are you doing here, Did you saw someone suspicious here?"
Alice stunned,"w...wh....what ?" "no no-one I saw "
"Then why did you ran ?"(Guy)
Alice"mmm...hmmm. I felt someone follows me, Sooo I ran with unknown scar, Iwere just afraid I don't know.What is..."
She is getting nervous and start to sweating
"Relax, Relax everything will be fine, I will fix the situation soon" he hold her arms
Alice throws down those knifes from behind without letting him know and got little breath. Suddenly an old lady came out from the house.He talked with the lady and handover her to the lady.
"please take care her, I will pick up her in evening please mam...."
He left the place.
"Oh no what I'm gonna do?"
Alice filled with confusion one side that phone call other side a stranger guy whom I never met but talk like we were known each other for years? "Aigooo"she extremely thrilled
The lady take her inside the house, She left her in hall and went to kitchen
Alice heavily sighed and suddenly she reminded that the knifes, she went to pick it up and back to her position
That lady come out from kitchen and sat a chair,She started doing embroidery.
Alice felt weird that lady Starts to ask weird question she started felt burden, Her heart starts beat faster.
Suddenly she saw somebody comes from far through window, She felt something suspicious she ran and close the door...but the lady seems clam and didn't ask anything about she closed the door in hurry and tensed.
Someone kept Knock the door. Alice get scared, She looked the lady she didn't do anything but she keeps the design... Alice went to open the door with scary steps slowly slowly
She heard a woman voice "I'm vani someone is chasing me to kill please open the door" she knock the door harder...
Alice stopped ..."Why did she come here if someone chase ?"she get stucked
After that she heard a male voice "No one going to believe you, Try in better way "he smiled
Then both started to knock the door "open the door Madame... opeeen ,open ,open"
"OPEN" even the locked door started to slightly unlock with the force they knock
Alice get extremely scared, She turned and see the lady, she stills keep doing the same design, She didn't worried at all...
"What kind of person she is, Her house kept knock harder by someone and here I'm Shaking in fear but she all she doing is so called design is she mad or what?"
One side the weird lady look her with terrific look, Another side a criminal in phone call, Now this people out side the door.
"Oh my god, What's happening, She kneels down "
Again Alice phone started to ring.Once the ringtone which she set with full of desire now scares her the most.