Who Knows

20 days after awakening from coma. XX18.

"Ginu, tell Eomma if you feel unwell anywhere. If something goes wrong, tell Eomma right away, okay?" said Mrs. Song slowly, tried not to scare Gin.

Little Gin nodded. She had been discharged from the hospital. Now she was in her own room and getting ready for bed. Since then, Little Gin had been so obedient which only made them more worried. Mr. Song didn't feel safe leaving Little Gin alone so he coaxed her to sleep together.

"Appa and Eomma will accompany you to sleep. Okay, dear?"

Little Gin shook her head. Mr. Song didn't think it was a good idea to leave his daughter to sleep alone, so he still insisted on it.

Mr. Song tried to win the deal, saying in the gentlest possible tone, "Then how about Yiyi Eonni accompanying Ginu to sleep?" suggested Mr. Song made Song Yi look at Little Gin expectantly.

Little Gin shook her head again but this time she made a sound. "Appa, I'm not afraid."

Her words made Mr. Song, Mrs. Song, and Song Yi, stunned. Was it natural for young children to behave like they were not afraid of anything after they had gotten into an accident that even adults couldn't bear?

Song Min felt the acid in his throat. He was about to open his mouth but his wife's hand stopped him from doing so. His wife's eyes were already watering but she held it hard so that Little Ginu wouldn't be able to see it. Song Min gave up. The three of them with a heavy step left the room but before they reached the door, Little Ginu called them out.

"Appa please turn off the light otherwise I can't sleep."

With trembling hands, Song Min pressed the switch.

When the door to Little Ginu's room closed, Shin Miyeon's tears broke. Song Yiyi held her mother's hand as she said while hypnotizing herself.

"Ginu will be fine, Eomma, Appa. God loves our Little Ginu so God won't leave her alone in."


It had been almost half a month that Little Gin had shown no worrisome condition. But she wasn't allowed to enter the school yet and was forced to focus on her health. Every few times a week a doctor, and psychiatrist would check on Little Gin. Her progress report was also sent to the police. At first the police actively met up with Little Gin and carefully questioned her. But Song Min couldn't take it anymore. And after the long debate, he finally made the police give up on disturbing Little Gin directly.

The case that Ginu was involved in caused a big discussion in the whole country and even attracted the attention of other countries. The community's concerns about this case was so big that the police investigated this case seriously and finally punished all the perpetrators involved. But it still couldn't make Song's family breathe a sigh of relief, because they knew even if these sinners were sentenced to death, could they return Little Gin to how she used to be?

For all the considerations, Song Min decided to move Little Gin from her old school. There was no way no one didn't know about Gin's involvement in that case. They were worried some bad rumors would make Gin's mental conditions getting worse. Besides, it could let Little Ginu turn over a new leaf in her life.

Little Gin didn't argue with it either.

The start of the semester went well, making everyone breathe a little easier. Who knew that one day Song Min got a call from Little Ginu during her school hours.


Song Min immediately had a bad feeling when he heard Little Gin's hoarse voice.

"Ginu my daughter, tell Appa what happened. Are you all right, my dear?"

[I do not know.]

Song Min was confused at first but he thought Little Gin was answering for not knowing what was going on.

[Appa come here.] Little Ginu sounded odd.

Song Min panicked and after getting the address he immediately left.

When Song Min met Little Ginu in a small alley, Song Min was so scared when he saw Little Ginu's clothes were covered in blood. Song Min walked over to Little Gin. "Ginu, why are you bleeding???"

Little Ginu didn't answer Song Min's question, instead pulled him deeper into the alley. There, a teenage boy covered in blood was unconscious on the ground.

Song Min's eyes tremble seeing this view. Song Min now knew why Little Ginu even said she didn't know before. It turned out she didn't know if she was fine or not.

"Appa, that kid is trying to harass me. I hated him so I hit him. Appa do you hate me because I'm evil?"

Song Min's tongue went numb. But when he heard Little Ginu's reasoning, his eyes turned into a sharp glint. He looked at the child on the ground and hated that he didn't destroy him himself.

"It's okay, Ginu. Appa will not be angry. Don't worry, no one will blame Ginu as long as it wasn't Ginu who caused the ruckus first."

Little Ginu nodded. "En. As long as they are good then I will be good too."

Song Min was not stupid. Little Ginu's tone and words were not something a child could easily pronounce. Song Min quivered whether the dreaded event had finally appeared. Did Little Gin have an imbalance in her personality?

In the car, Song Min held Little Ginu's hand. "Ginu, would you like to come with Appa to the hospital?"

"Appa... You have to trust me. Ginu will not bring trouble to Appa, Eomma, and Yiyi Eonni. Those who do evil first, Ginu could only defend herself.If Ginu didn't learn martial arts from a young age, maybe Ginu…"

Little Ginu didn't complete what she said but Song Min didn't want to hear the rest either. Song Min gripped the steering wheel of his car.

What Ginu said was true. He couldn't force Ginu to be tortured by seeing a psychiatrist again. He was her Appa, he would protect her and clean up any mess that happens because of her.

After that, Song Min cleared the mess with all his might. But the chaos continued. Later, the rest also found out her twisted personality when Little Gin could not hide her injuries from the fight anymore. Song Min ended up telling things, leaving out small details. Shin Miyeon was getting more and more worried and she even fell ill once and was delirious in her sleep. Little Ginu who found out about it was sad so she accepted Appa's suggestions to live with her grandparents in Finland.

Old Master Song and Old Lady Song were professors who settled in Finland to teach at a famous university. After hearing from Song Min about his granddaughter, Old Master Song was furious and beat his son with a golf stick. Song Min had no intention of hiding himself since he begged for Old Master and Old Lady Song's help.

"Son, leave Ginu to me. I will take good care of her. You tell my daughter-in-law not to worry. It's best if you don't have to meet Ginu in her first year. Let her sort out her mind and heart first," said Old Master Song, unable to continue his beating when he saw his son's desperate look.

Song Min nodded reluctantly.

Little Gin left Korea then. After two long years after she had passed the first semester of high school, Gin decided to return home.

She was not the Little Gin anymore. Seeing her cheerful side made Everyone was happy in the end. The current Gin had changed so much almost like her personality before that dark accident happened.

But who knows?
