
"Do you have to go to a place like this just for lunch? There are many better options along the way," Gin complained as soon as she sat down.

Hyo In seemed patient hearing this and handed the menu book to Gin. "Stop complaining. The food here is pretty tasty."

Gin did not look at the menu and casually threw the menu to Junwoo. "Han Jun helps me to pick which one seems edible."

Yujin teased Gin after hearing this. "Gin Sunbae, if we didn't know anything, I would have thought there is something between you two."

Gin looked at Yujin in disbelief. "I'm amazed by your imagination Yujin-i."

Yujin couldn't feel enough to tease, mocking her. "I bet everyone would think the same, Sunbae."

Junwoo refused to utter a word as he was still staring at the menu book.

Gin covered her mouth with her left hand as she yawned, replying languidly. "Geurae? So let them think like that."

This time Semi joined in the chat, disapprovingly. "That's not fun, Gin. Could it be true that the relationship between the two of you is kinda like that? Do you have to hide it from us?"

They were so eager to tease Gin but didn't dare to bother Junwoo.

Gong Ju, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth. "Why do I think otherwise? Haven't Song Sunbae and Han Sunbae been friends for years? During middle school, who doesn't know that Song Sunbae and Han Sunbae had a great friendship."

Hyo In and Junwoo turned to look at Gong Ju in unison. This sentence was the longest words they had ever heard from him. Of course it was a little strange to hear it from a junior they just met not long ago.

Hyo In giggled. "Gong Ju apparently likes hearing things like this too. But it doesn't matter which one is the truth anyway, it's always fun to hear some gossip."

Gong Ju smiled slightly as he glanced at Jiyu who was diagonally in front of him, responding to Hyo In."It just happened like that, Sunbae. Sometimes it's inevitable to hear these kinds of things even if we don't want to. After all, everything about Song Sunbae is always interesting to hear."

The sentence contained something else inside. Gin smirked as she knew what he meant.W

"Wow, that sounds impressive, Gong Hoobae. Some people may not have good things to do and so have to stick their nose into other people's business. Well, about me and Han Jun…" Gin paused for a moment as she put her arm around Junwoo's shoulder. "Who knows about the future."

While speaking this, whether she did it on purpose or not, she looked at Jiyu.

Semi covered her mouth when her eyes roamed mischievously, looking at Junwoo and Gin. Hyo In seemed stunned to speak for a while before smiling. Yujin gave a confused look, not expecting his joke to end up being brought up seriously. Meanwhile, Gong Ju stayed on his poker face with his lips drawn in a horizontal line. There was a strange atmosphere at the table.

Junwoo put down the menu and snorted at his idiot friend who tried to create a misunderstanding.

"Stop spouting nonsense. Will your mouth itch if your mouth doesn't close for a day?"

Gin pulled her hand from Junwoo's shoulder and put her hands up. "Eits, chill buddy. I'm just kidding. Anyways, who was the one who started first? Yujin-i?'

Yujin let out a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. Lucky that Junwoo Sunbae was patient enough today even though it was his jokes that led to some misunderstandings.

"I didn't mean that, Gin Sunbaenim. Let me slide for this once, okay?" He begged.

Gin's eyes glimmered. "Don't panic like that. It's not like I eat people."

Gin's joke made Semi and Hyo In laugh.

Hyo In interrupted, "Before we talk further, let's order some food first." She called the waiter and ordered some food.

Jiyu hadn't said a word. His eyes kept on watching Gin who was sitting across from him. Jiyu knew that Gin's sarcasm was addressed to him. He didn't know that Gin resented him that long. Thinking about it somehow made his heart itch. He wanted to know what was in this woman's mind.

Jiyu opened his mouth. "Gin Sunbae, I haven't returned your kindness for that time."

Yujin was right beside Jiyu so he heard it. Yujin's eyes shone as he looked at Jiyu curiously.

"Oh, what kindness are you talking about, Jiyu?"

Yujin's voice was enough for them to hear. Everyone but Gin quickly turned their heads. Junwoo also looked at Jiyu with a mysterious look.

Jiyu was not nervous about being stared at like that. He glanced at Gin who was sneering before turning his face to Yujin."It's nothing big, Hyung. It's just that once I told others about my middle school, Hyo In Nuna said that Gin Sunbae also attended the same school as mine."

Hyo In raised her head when her name was mentioned. She replied as she tried to recall, "Yeah, I remember mentioning it once back then."

Semi became curious so she pushed him. "So?"

Jiyu leaned his back to the chair while looking at Gin, narrowed his eyes. He tried to hide his gaze that filled with satisfaction when he found that Gin finally wanted to see him in the eyes.

Now you can't help but look at me, Gin.

'Gin Sunbae and I accidentally bumped into each other in the convenience store near the campus. Having known that we are also seniors and juniors at school, I thought it would be fun if we could go to the cinema and have dinner together."

Yujin listened to it and felt something was wrong. "But isn't it a bit strange to ask the senior you just met for the first time to watch a movie together?"

Yujin's words made people's eyes stare at Jiyu with doubt. Jiyu chuckled and looked at Gin innocently.

"Ah, is that so? It's just my habit to want to get close with anyone I meet so I didn't think much about it. Moreover, I rather felt it would be more strange if I directly invited Sunbae to have lunch together. Aren't I right, Yujin Hyung?" Jiyu said while looking at Yujin with his pure eyes.

Compared to the cold expression of Gong Ju and Junwoo usually put on, surprisingly Jiyu exuded an exotic and erotic feeling that somehow went compatible with his charming face. Now, the soft-hearted Yujin seemed to be charmed by this look and immediately threw away the oddity to the back of his head.

Yujin patted Jiyu's shoulder. "As you said that, I also think it isn't wrong."

Hyo In looked very excited. "Then did you two do it?"

Gong Ju and Semi raised their eyebrows at almost the same time. Hyo In's question was not wrong but sounded a little ambiguous.

Jiyu pretended to be unaware of this ambiguous question. He answered it a little enthusiastically. "At first Gin Sunbae refused me but I didn't think there would be another chance to meet in the closest time so I insisted a bit. I thought Gin Sunbae would be angry but I didn't expect her to take me to her house instead."

Some people gasped after hearing his exaggerated words. They knew these were probably things like watching and eating but they couldn't help to find it kinda suspicious.

Now the main spot turned to Gin. Gin had just stared at Jiyu with the corners of her lips raised, listening to what he said in silence. Gin couldn't help but amuse at the ability of this man surnamed Wang to make what he said being doubled meaning. Now seeing the gleam of curiosity and suspicion in their eyes, Gin might have not guessed wrong.

Gin raised her eyebrows. "What is the matter?"

Semi spoke first, "Wow, Song Gin, I didn't expect you to be that proactive. But our Jiyu is so handsome so even a cold hearted person like you can be captivated too."

"So Yujin-ah, you guessed wrong. It's not between Junwoo and Gin but something may happen between Gin and Jiyu," Hyo In added, sounding enthusiastic.

Gin looked at Jiyu right in the eyes and smiled. Then shifted her gaze at Hyo In who looked happy after teasing Gin.

Gin laughed. "You're right. I was his Sunbae too at school. I brought him to my home because why not? We also could do these things at home. It saved my energy from going back and forth. You all know that I don't like to bother myself."

They nodded in understanding. Hyo In, Semi, and Yujin already know Gin very well since they needed some effort to ask her out. So it wouldn't be strange if Gin actually tricked this new hoobae due to her laziness.

Because their thoughts were distracted by Gin, they forgot the joke about the special relationship that happened between Gin and Jiyu.

Jiyu looked back at Gin with his deep black eyes. He tapped his finger lightly on the table. His Sunbaes were unsuspecting of Gin's explanation. Jiyu knew that this Sunbae is not as easy as she seemed.

But Gin didn't know that it triggered his desire to capture her in his hand.
