chapter seven



No matter how well you prepare sometimes, there are forces too big to handle and perhaps that is just the way it is, some things are bound to fail, other things are bound to succeed. Today was a success but at what cost?

The plan was to take them away from where it happened, it was always the plan, to keep Alessio Rugani and his men away from where the birds perched. Now, this has always been the way we worked since the fight at the Vatican. The Vatican fight came as a result of two highly influential men not meeting each other halfway. If I am being brutally, I will say both men were too lost in their ego to make anything happen anyway.

Don Vicente met with police chief Alessio Rugani in Venice for a weekend of strict business to talk about moving forward the handlings of Venice. It was always about getting more or nothing for the chief of police, Alessio Rugani, and as for Don Vicente, well he was a man that did not like to lose. After the talks which lasted three days were over, on the fourth day, right before we left, we found that both men had locked themselves inside a glass room to beat the holiness of the Vatican from themselves. That fight would land Ace Vicente in court with charges as big as his many houses.

I never saw a pair that were more alike in my entire life but before who hated each other as much as these two. From then on, Venice became separated into two sides, the police and us.

You can only fool a man for so long, but Alessio Rugani always seemed to fall for the traps, though we have had some minor lapses in the past that cost us more than expected, we can boast of more wins.

Today, the canals and airports were taken over by the cops and streets as well. Like I said earlier, you just know that something was about to go wrong. I was not comfortable about sending the men out there, I should have called them off before it even started, but a job is a job, and it must be done regardless. This event further proved my suspicion that there was a mole in our midst. First, we reduced the passage of information to a selected few that led groups as broken by myself, then we planted a system for which information was passed, this way very few people knew what was happening. This system did not only keep the entire operation and us safe, but it also meant that we knew exactly how loyal the men were to us. Now that information flow had been cut to a few, I could tell now that whoever that sneaky traitor was, he was a person I was meant to be trusting. The first batch of men were intended for the topmost floor of the airport. You could tell that nearly everyone there was a fraud, the way they dressed was so misplaced that you could read it, the room was filled with snakes that would soon get on a plane.

As the second set of men walked out, the first pair were already running from the cops who seemed to have a way of misplacing their priorities as the message had now been passed that a second pair were on the loose. They immediately changed direction and went after the second pair of men who were now running for their good freedom. Now don't get me wrong, the mafia takes care of its own, and Don Vicente would never let his men stay stuck in the clutches of a man such as Rugani.

Rumors had it that he was a ruthless dictator and always wanted things to go his way. There were no good cops or bad cops with him. Only men of complete insanity like himself are willing to ruin you for the information they craved. So, you see, I needed for my men to be careful.

When the call came that Caputo was now struggling with the police in an elevator, I knew something had to be done, so I called on the other unit to cause some trouble over at the Marco Polo airport. You see, some plans were always made to turn on you, as I tried to make the happenings less risky, things became riskier. The orders had been not to lose our cool so that we would not aggravate them, but they were already there. They were already at the peak of their aggression.

I saw Caputo being carried away, his head being bashed against the walls around him, my men being chased around the airport by fake Irish looking men paid by Rugani to act Irish, it was clear, to me that I needed to leave the operation behind, when I heard these "Irish" bastards speak fluent Italian. "We must go now Raspadori. Drive."

I know that these men knew me, they probably had a picture of me on a wall somewhere in their office, mine, as well as Caputo and Ace Vicente himself. As much as I was flattered by the thought of that, I knew I had to flee the scene now, it was always too risky a chance to take, too risky a game to play after multiple times of doing so. But it was fun, drawing and dragging them around Venice like that, the plan was always the same, one distraction after another after another, and it all depended on what layers and patterns were of interest to us.

As we drove, leaving the airport, down came with us, a quick good pair of police vehicles chasing with loud sirens and a loud voice from their speaker "stop this instant."

I had never been in a chase like this one. Raspadori was one of our best on the wheels and I relished the opportunity with a rainbowed flag flying about the place. "Stop the car!" they ordered, now speeding towards us like a raging bull. "Keep going Raspa,"