He Had A Spinal Surgery?

Maybe it was the fact that the pen was preparing to throw another beam, or it didn't expect that Alec would turn around and hit the pen. Whatever it was, it didn't have the time to dodge Alec's bullet. The bullet struck the pen directly on the red band on its body. As soon as the bullet touched the band, the red light turned to blue, and the pen stopped firing beam and fell to the floor.

"Impossible", the captain said shocked to the core. He didn't expect that the bullet Alec shot would disarm the pen. The chances of the bullet hitting the red band was almost zero, yet it happened.

Alec could only thank his luck, or more precisely, the lucky necklace. He approached the pen and picked it up.

"Obtained Wand of Destruction. Added to Collection".

Alec didn't have the time to admire his newly obtained game item as the captain shot ceaslessly at his direction, but Alec dodged it sucessfully and ran into an alley for cover.