Jazz's Unpleasant Visit

Laura's emotions were complicated when she stared at Alec. Alec noticed her glare, and couldn't just stay silent. "I know, I've been missing for quite a while now, don't worry, I'll explain everything to you", Alec said, voicing her thoughts.

"By later, do you mean now?" Laura asked incredulously. "Do you want me to tell you now?" Alec asked. "Yes", Laura said firmly. Alec sighed and began his story:

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Ten minutes had passed since he was in the park. Alec's body had gathered small injuries, and although they were superficial, Alec's condition wasn't good.

A bullet flew across the air and grazed his shoulders, a near miss. Alec's shock only came seconds later. "Jeez, am I going to keep depending on this lucky necklace?" Alec was slightly depressed. He ran through the bushes for cover and hid behind a children's playgriund's slide. Then, bullets pelted on the slide, but it didn't meet him.