DIY Gym Centre

Since Alec was bored, he decided to explore the area a little, but he didn't dare to venture too far. Since he didn't have anything to defend himself, plus he hasn't picked up a weight for like forever, Alec used the time to walk around and thought of his next step.

According to the game, he has an infinite amount of time he could stay here, plus he could leave if he wished. But he didn't want to go yet. It was day 4, and he had less than two days before he was required to appear before the king.

His proficiency with the Zulu language was still clumsy, but he felt he was making progress. This was the first time he had ever wanted to learn an African language, not that he never thought of it though.

To be honest, the Zulu language was beautiful. One thing he loved about it was the interpretation of words in relation to English.