Not For Sale

At first, Alec had expected them to use the advantage of the many fish to take as much as they could, but he was surprised to see that after he counted it, it was exactly half of what remained, not one more and not one less.

At least someone respects him here, Ale thought. He took a few coins from the fifty coins he obtained from Michael and prepared to go to the market. There were a lot of things that he needed to buy, which involved clothes, food stocks, and a new bucket, as this one was too small.

But he didn't want to be rash. He had another two months before he could obtain another money. He looked at the weathered coins in his hands and wondered how much they value. He'll soon find out. Meanwhile, he still had another problem.

His house was open, which meant that anyone can walk into his house yard and out as he wished. House trespassing wasn't a thing here, so anybody could simply walk into the yard and leave.