Why Don't You Introduce Me to Them?

In the restaurant, Alec was seated with Roberto, who was fidgeting uneasily. "I don't know why I did it. I should have known that they were lying all along, maybe there would…", Roberto kept mumbling to himself.

"Calm down Roberto. Tell me what happened", Alec said soothingly. "I'm going to lose my company, that's what's gonna happen", Roberto said with agitation.

"Why?" Alec asked dumbfounded. "Why did you buy this treatment in the first place?" Roberto asked Alec, gazing at his eyes. "I don't know if I should reveal this information to you, but I'm doing it because there was a recent attack on a village, and some rebels poisoned their soil on a large scale", Alec explained, studying Roberto's facial expression.

Roberto's eyes suddenly dilated. "That happened?" Roberto asked him. "Yeah. That's why I came here to purchase that treatment from you", Alec said, before realizing something.