Escaped By A Narrow Margin

"I understand your affliction, but you need to get out of the servers because they seem hell-bent on finding you", H said with worry.

"But I'm not on the server", Anna said with confusion. "Huh? But they said you still are…", H was speaking when he was interrupted by someone. Anna heard some distinct conversation, and seconds later, H returned to Anna.

"Listen, you need to get out of your residence, I think they have tracked your location using some sort of a game item", H said with a hard voice. "But I'm not on the servers, unless…"

"They were using a game item that relayed your connection and produced some repeated buffers, giving them time to locate you, yeah that's what was. Leave!" H said and disconnected the call.

Anna stood there momentarily without saying a word, then in the next second, she swiftly stood up and head to her elevator. However, Anna realized that something was off.