Team Match

December 31st.

Alec woke up with a start, as he woke up startled. Looking around warily, he saw a figure standing in front of the edge of the bed. Instinctively, Alec somersaulted out of his bed, grabbing his gun in the process and pointing it straight at the figure.

"I would have acted the same way if I was you", Anna said without smiling.

"Anna?" Alec asked with confusion as he rubbed his eyes to clear his fuzzy vision. "How did you…"

"...find you? Really?" Anna said in disdain as he stood from the seat. "How long were you here?" Alec asked, already getting weary of people entering his room without his awareness.

"Alec, stop with your unnecessary questions and listen", Anna raised her hands and made a stop sign.

She sighed and continued: "Alec, I know that as an agent, I'm supposed to be the one that assists and guides you, but as painful as I am to say this to you, I can no longer hold that part of the job anymore.