Let's catch up

He starts kissing my ear and poking at my side with his long fingers. The sudden pressure makes me giggle, as he sees this he carries on his assault even more, tickling and kissing away.

"Jack!" I squeal

"Stop" I giggle. I manage to get out of his hold and run behind the counter. Jack runs after me, I never stood a chance, his long legs caught up to me so quick. He pulls me in, my back pressed into him.

"Now, that's how I'd rather start my morning" He bites my ear. I giggle again. I turn around to face him, placing my hands on his bare chest. He bites his lips, smirking at me. His skin is so warm, I can't help but caress his body and nestle my head in his chest. He wraps his strong arms around me and kisses the top of my head. I wish we could stay like this forever, something about his warm embrace and strong arms around me makes me feel invincible.

I break the loving embrace.

"I'm going to grab a shower if that's okay?" I ask

"That's fine!" he lets go of me and smacks my bum making me yelp. I take a warm shower, my thoughts drifts to this morning's commotion. Thinking about it makes me not want to go to work on Monday, I will have to see Jess again. I wonder if she will try something. I finish my shower and brush my teeth with the toothbrush Jack has left out for me.

I come out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my figure. I quickly get dressed and walk to the kitchen, Jack is nowhere to be found. I peep around the living room and find him out on the balcony. He's on the phone, waving his hands around in the air. He looks angry! I retreat back into the kitchen not wanting to eavesdrop. I make us coffees, thinking he would be done with the phone call pretty soon.

After a while, I've had my coffee. I'm still waiting in the kitchen. Jack walks in, his face looks stern and serious.

"You okay?" I ask softly. He doesn't reply. He's looking at something on his phone.

"Sorry, erm something - I need to take care of something" his tone harsh.

"Okay, I-erm I'll just go?" he doesn't reply, he's still on his phone. I leave him in the kitchen and walk into his room grabbing all my belongings.

As I walk in the kitchen, he pulls me towards him. "There's a car for you downstairs. He'll take you home. Can you do me a favour?" His voice laced with worry.

"what?" I ask softly

"Don't go out today, just stay at home please?" he caresses my cheek

"what? why ?" I ask with a curious look on my face.

"Please just do this for me, I'll see you later okay?" He phone rings again. He looks at me waiting for my answer before he answers the phone

"o-okay." he kisses my lips then my forehead

He answers the phone "go on" he says as he disappears into the room next to the living room. I make my way downstairs, I'm welcomed by a tall dark man. "Good morning, Miss Huerta, Mr Preston has asked me to drive you home" he says with a polite smile "Good morning, Yes thank you" I smile back. He opens the door and I climb in. It takes us around 15-20 minutes to get to my apartment. I thank the driver as I leave and go inside

I leave my bag by the door and make myself another coffee. My mind drifts to Jack, why did he want me to stay in so badly. Maybe he just wanted me to stay here so he could drop by anytime? I replay our moments together in my head, how gentle he is with me. And this morning when he was only in his sport shorts toned and tanned.

Okay Anna enough Jack you gotta get it together, I focus on tidying up my place. Around 1pm my phone pings, I quickly open my phone thinking it would be Jack. OMG! It's Becca! I completely forgot that they are back from their vacay.

- Hey babe, we got back yesterday. missed you so much. what you doing today?- (B)

-Hey Becs, not much I'm at home. I missed you guys loads too. I got so much to tell you. It's been crazy few weeks- (A)

-ouhh I can't wait, can you meet us around 3ish at the Dej?- (the local bar)- (B)

-okay, I'll see you then xx- (A)

I completely forgot Jack asked me not to go out today, he didn't give me any reason why I shouldn't go out. Besides I'll be with my friends, it'll be fine. I'll just text him later on to let him know I'm out with Becs and Jo.

I leave my apartment around 2:40pm. I drive to the DEJ. I need to text jack, at least he'll know I'm out. I park up in front of the bar and pull out my phone.

- Hey, Hope everything is okay? just letting you know that I am out with Becs and Jo so won't be home. I completely forgot they were back from holiday, so going to catch up with them- (A)

Why am I explaining myself, I'm not going to be one of those girls who run everything by their boy - wait he's not even my boyfriend. what am I saying? I put my phone on silent and head in.

Becs and Jo are sitting at our usual table.

"Hey girl!" Jo shouts and they both get up and hug me tight.

"We have missed you so much, I wish you had come with us. Girl we had the best time" Jo Grins

"and I even met someone " Becs raises her eyebrows and laughs. I giggle.

"But first, why don't you tell us about your mystery man" Jo says as she sits down with a smirk on her face.

"Ben has filled us in, he said you had a drink with the sexiest man he has ever seen" (B)

"and he's seen a LOT of men" (J) they both laugh

"Well, you won't believe me, but it's Jack!" (A)

"NOooo way" Jo gasps

"Stupid hot Jack, Jack with the gorgeous face, the beard and the moustache? The mayor's nephew jack?" she says in shock

"Yes, that Jack" I laugh

"As you know he has been trying take me out for a while, I just steered clear cause of the rumours. Anyway he managed to get me to have a drink with him, from then we have done a lot of kissing. I even stayed at his place yesterday" I put my hands over my face. They know that this is so unlike me

Becs has her hand over her mouth, while Jo has her mouth wide open like a gaping fish. "You're shitting me? what? so you're telling me this whole time you have been swerving him you finally you gave in? You're actually into him? has he been into you? jo laughs, I know exactly what she means the dirty cow, ha

"No!" I shout

"I want to take things slow, I - you know me" I shake my head, reminder of how my last relationship comes back

"Okay okay, look we're here to support you no matter what!, we're happy you are seeing someone,Finally ! we're even happier that it's someone like jack. Girl you bagged yourself a sexy sexy man" jo says as they both laugh.

"but in all seriousness, please be careful. You know all the crap we have heard about him being a player and all. We don't want to see you get hurt. You, my love deserve a man who is going to give you the world " Becs says sweetly.

We spend the afternoon talking about their vacation, work and Becs' new man. It's 7:30pm, I think I had a little too much to drink. I'm feeling dizzy and sleepy. I should probably take a cab and go home before these two talk me into more drinking.

I head into the bathroom to freshen up. I pull my phone out of my bag, I haven't been on it since I last texted Jack. My eyes Widen

- 8 Missed calls - Jack P-

- Hey, I told you to stay at home- (J)


-Anna, Where are you?- (J)

-Where the fuck are you, answer my call!- (J)

-Call me as soon as you get this !!-(J)

Looks like I'm in trouble. Nope I'm not, I am an adult! I am allowed to go out whenever it pleases me. I don't bother texting him back. I find my girls and say my goodbyes. I wait for my cab outside, it's cold and I'm wearing a skirt with a thin jacket. I was suppose to be going home in my car, I'm so not dressed warm enough to be waiting in the cold. From the corner of my eye I catch someone standing by the entrance of the bar. He's wearing black leather jacket, black jeans and black boots. He has a buzz cut, he looks like he's straight out of the army. He is starring at me, he has been for a while now. All the sudden he makes his way towards me, luckily my cab arrives I quickly climb in.

I leave the cab and make my way upstairs, I'm rummaging through my bag to find my keys. I lift my head and find Jack leaning against my door his arms crossed, he looks super pissed.

"where the hell have you been?" he growls at me

"I texted you, I went out with my friends. it's not a big deal" I spit out

"You only said you were out, not where you were. I have been so worried! why didn't you answer?" his voice filled with worry.

"Sorry it was on silent, it's fine. I'm fine" he moves closer to me

I'm feeling to dizzy, he quickly catches me. I rest my head on his chest. He smells of fresh laundry and mint.

"Give me your keys now !" he orders

"Why you being so bossy? and why were you being so mean in your text?" I asks as I produce the keys from my bag.

He opens the door, I yelp as he swiftly picks me up and carries me inside like a newlywed. He slams the door behind us and heads for my bedroom. He gently places me on the bed and starts taking off my shoes. I lay down, half of my body hanging off of the bed. He pulls me up so I am now sitting and takes off my jacket and top. I am sitting on my bed in my bra and skirt. I come back to reality, his eyes are focused on me, wide and dark. Full desire, just as much as he wanted me I wanted him.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. I want you to be sober the first time you feel me inside you" his expression is dark and sexy. My heart instantly skips a beat. I bite my lip hard.

He carries on taking off the rest of my clothes until I'm only in panties and bra.