My knight in shiny armour

I turn around and he puts the necklace around my neck. He's mouth moves to my neck trailing little kisses all the way to my ear. Shivers run through me. I let out a soft moan.

"Right now I'd rather be inside you than at a party watching guys drool over you" he whispers in my ear. My heart says racing, I bite my lip

"Jack" I say softly.

"come on, lets go" he asks abrubtly

We arrive at the party and Jess intercepts us. "The mayor needs you to do the introduction for Tyler" she says with a curt tone.I turn to jack

" I thought you were taking on Tyler?" (A)

"I'm afraid he's needed elsewhere" she says bluntly.

"Jack, you need to be with the mayor and me, we're doing the interviews". She adds

Jack scans my face

"You go find Tyler, i'll find you later okay?" He kisses me lightly. Jess is standing there with a look of disgust on her face. Honestly what's her problem, is she really that desperate to have Jack.

I leave and find Tyler by the champagne table taking to some women. Looking over I can see jack, he's talking to the reporter. I walk over to Tyler. I catch his eyes

" You look ravishing" he says.

" Thank you" I reply uninterested by his advances

"Shall we start the introduction?" I give him a polite smile

"Lead the way" he smirks at me .

While we walk he has his hand on the small of my back. Which makes me super uncomfortable. I'm sure he doesn't mean it in a bad way.

I keep catching jack watching us like a hawk with an irritated expression on his face. As the night goes on Tyler grew more and more comfortable with me. Which made me feel on edge, he made comments at how beautiful I was, how I smelled, having this arms around my waist.

Tyler bends down and whispers in my ear

"Do you mind if we go somewhere private, I need to discuss something with you" I frown

"Erm okay" I lead him to Jack's office since the Party was being held in the town Hall's garden. He walks in and straight away he gets closer to me

"Thanks for introducing me. You've done a terrific job" I nod and smile.

"Has anyone ever told you just how beautiful you look and that dress on you. Really shows off your nice ass-et". He laughs. Okay this is heading in the wrong direction and he seem to have had too much to drink

My breathing instantly changes. what is he doing ? A wave of terror washes over me. God he is getting closer and closer

" I think we should join the party" I say trying to push past him but he pulls my arm, pulling me against him. I try and push him off.

" Look,I know you've had a bit to drink so I'm willing to forget this ever happened, so please let me go" I plead

"Come on you little tease" He grabs my face with one hand squeezing.

"Stop you're hurting me". I moan in pain. All the sudden, a fist punches him and he falls to the ground. I look at him in shock.

"Get the fuck off of my girl" Jack is next to me, his face dark and dangerous.

"Get the fuck up now" Tyler gets up and profusely apologises " I'm sorry I had no idea she was your girl man. I'm sorry"

"Get the fuck out, I'll deal with you later" he hiss

Tyler hurries out of the room. I'm still in shock. What just happened?

"You okay baby?" he asks and hugs me.

"I'm sorry I didn't come in any sooner, let me see?" (J) I show him my face.

"Thank you, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come in. He asked me to go somewhere private then just" I trail off

He places his hand over my cheek

"Don't worry this fucker is going to be dealt with. Nobody touches my girl like that" He grunts

"I just need a second before we head back if that's okay" (A)

" Don't worry about the party, i'll speak to my uncle and well just go okay?" (J) I nod. I didn't want to be here anymore after what just happened.

He pulls me into his arms, wrapping them around me. He smells so good. I relax and hug him back. This man can literally make me forget about everything by just doing this. He lifts up my head with his finger and kisses me slowly, his finger caressing me cheek. His hands slowly make their way around my waist, lifts me up and slams me onto his desk. His eyes dark, I'm almost laying down with my arms behind me pushing me up so I can meet his lips. His kisses drive me insane, his mouth move to my neck and collarbone. I can't help but I moan

"I can't stop I need you now" he says as he devours my mouth again. His hands slowly pushing my dress upwards, slowly caressing my thighs. His hand slips in my panties. I gasp as he starts rubbing his thumb over my wetness. I stifle a moan, trying with all my might not to moan his name out loud. I trail little kisses on his cheek and neck. He stops and pulls his wallet from his pocket and produces a condom from it.

Leaning in he kisses me again, I hear his zip open and he slides the condom on.

"Open wide for me baby " I do as he commands and open my thighs and he positions himself right in front of me. His finger hooks into my panties and pushes them to the side before he slowly pushes himself inside me.

"Fuck, yes" he says with his eyes meeting mine then back to where we are joined. He pulls out and slowly pushes in again. He moans, the sound of him moaning makes a hot liquid pool inside me. I throw my head back and he grabs onto my hips. His slow movements are torture.

"Faster jack please, I want to come for you" I moan. He smirks and starts moving, really moving. He is thrusting hard and fast my body and mind losing focus. I'm moaning, trying to keep quiet but his thrust are driving me insane. I feel a every atom of my being squeezing towards one point of my body, my vision blurred. I come hard around him

"Jack!" I moan loudly

"I love seeing you come" he smiles and with that he comes hard and hot falling onto me. We're panting on his desk, I cannot believe we just had sex in his office. He slowly pulls out of me and kisses me on the forehead.

We leave the his office and make out way outside.

"Wait here" (J) I watch jack as he makes his way towards his uncle. The night is cold and I'm standing outside with just my dress on. Glancing over at jack his expression straight. I catch the mayor quickly glance at me and say something to Jack. I look away I don't want to come across noisy.

"Did you have fun ?" A voice comes from behind a pillar close to where I was standing. Argh it's jess.

"You're not special you know" she says blowing out her cigarette smoke.

"How do you mean?"

"I mean you. are. not special" she laughs " You're a fool just like any of us" what is she talking about?

"what are you.."

"You think you're the first one he had sex with in that office, according to Amy she had a good time in there too" I stand paralysed, the blood drains from my face.

"how did you?"

"oh I wasn't stalking I just happen to have walked by the office at the wrong time" she raises her eyebrows. I try to force out words but nothing came out

"You're just another temporary fix to fill a hole" she says before walking back inside.

Her words cut deep is that what I was a temporary fix. Everything he said to me, was that just to get me in bed. Her words sent me into a spiral, there I was staring at the ground, trying to gather my thoughts. I mean he is so secretive and there's just something that has been off about him that I have just been ignoring.

I catch him walking towards me.

"You ready?"

"Yes" my voice coming out croaky

We get into his car, I don't say a word during the whole ride, I did catch him peeking at me a few time. I walk into his apartment and he closes the door behind me.

"is something wrong? you been so silent the whole way here?" (J)

"Erm no, I'm fine. just still shaken by what happened with Tyler" I reply

"I spoke to my uncle and Tyler is off of the investors list. We don't need someone like him connected to the campaign. This is why I didn't want you to give him the tour, he's such a dick! I never liked him" he exclaims

"Wait you know him?"

"yeah, I've hung out with him a few time, he's just a player. Always trying to get someone to bed him" I feel a wave of rage wash over me. He is no different to Tyler

"it's not like you're any different. You, from what I know and have heard you do get around. Jess, Amy whoever else" I wave my hand in the air

"whoa whoa whoa?Where is this coming from?"

"You're just like him jack always after your next fix, or the next girl you want to have sex with." I say furiously

" Is that how you really see me?" (J)