Cabin by the lake

It's been two weeks since the Election party. I've tried my best to avoid Jess after the things she said to me that night. Everyone has been pretty busy with the rallies and press conferences, so we didn't run into each other that much. And I'm pretty sure she hates the fact that what she said to me didn't have the desired effect as I am still seeing Jack. The Mayor axed Tyler off of the campaign completely after he practically assaulted me.

A few days after the Election party, I received flowers at the office with a note saying; I'm sorry for being a dick. Hope you can forgive me! Tyler'. Remorse? I wouldn't have thought guys like Tyler were capable of remorse. After Jack Saw the flowers and the note he wasn't very happy, not that he told me he wasn't happy but his lips pressed into a firm line, with a stern and serious look on his face. I didn't understand why Tyler sent the flowers? Maybe out of respect for Jack? To show he is sorry?

Things between me and Jack are good, I know I am crazy about him and I can't help but fall more and more for him every time we're together. I have been trying to keep my cool about it, especially when he is around other women, who by the way get way to comfortable with him. But I try to never come across as the jealous girl. I mean it's not like we're official, we're just going with the flow. But still I couldn't stop my heart from pounding every time I saw women flirting with him, touch him or the thoughts that entered my head and told me I wasn't good enough, that I would find him in bed with another.

As much as I had all these feelings, I never slipped up and kept a very cool persona.

This weekend me and Jack are going to a remote cabin by the lake. I'm so excited for it, a romantic weekend just me and him. Just thinking about it gives me butterflies. We haven't seen much of each other lately as he has been very busy with work and hasn't been at the office. Couple of days ago he suggested we go away to the lake and spend the weekend together.

After work I make my way home, I have a shower and have some left over. I couldn't be bothered to cook. I receive a text from Jack

-Hey babe, sorry been MIA. Been a very busy and stressful day. I am looking forward to tomorrow. How was your day?- (J)

-Hey! I understand, hopefully tomorrow I can take your mind off of work and anything else that is stressing you out. My day was okay, just very tired though- (A)

-I Love the sound of that! I'll let you sleep beautiful, I'll pick you up at 9am tomorrow. Goodnight. PS. don't forget your bikini ;) -(J)

-Yes Sir! Can't wait, Goodnight- (A)

I finish packing up my things and jump into bed.

My alarm rings at 7:30am. I force myself out of bed, I hate getting up early on weekends, weekends are for sleep! but today isn't any normal weekend I get to spend this one with my man. I hop into the shower, get dress and do my makeup.

My door rings, it's Jack. I'm excited to see him. I glance at myself in the mirror one more time I'm wearing jeans, a cropped jumped, white converses and have my hair up in a ponytail. I look good!

There's a knock on my door, as I open it I am welcomed by Jack's sexy grin. Immediately he grabs my jumper and pulls me into him, his lips landing on mine. I welcome the kiss, I was desperate to taste him again, I have missed him so much. But this kiss felt different it felt passionate and warm. It felt like home

"Hello beautiful" he smirks down at me. Just like that, a fire ignited inside me. His smile forced out a giggle out of me. Argh I'm such a school girl.

"Hello Jack" I couldn't stop the large grin spreading across my face

"You ready to go?" (J)

"Yes, I am" I grab my bag from the side of the door and my phone. He takes it from me. Such a gentleman!

Once in the car, we drive for about an hour before reaching Jack's cabin. It is so beautiful. The Cabin is a large house sitting on the in front of a huge lake. The cabin was surrounded by flowers, brushes and trees, it looked like something out of a fairy tale.

"I bought it a few years back, I needed somewhere quiet to retreat to when life gets too loud you know" he says as he takes our bags out of the boot.

"Yeah I get it, it's surreal and beautiful"

"Come on, I'll give you a tour" he walks over to the door and unlocks it. We walk into the hallway, the smell of oak wood wafts in my face. It was a pleasant and homely smell. The kitchen matched the theme of the house. Wooden cabinets with grey granite counters.

After the tour of the house, we unpack our stuff and decide take a stroll around the lake. As we are walking, Jack intertwine our hands together. I have always been taken back at how comfortable he always was with me, but I didn't pin him down for walk hand in hand kind of guy. Somehow this notion made me fall for him even more.

He's looking down at me, with a slight smile on his face. "What are you thinking about?" (J)

"It's nice, it's beautiful here" (A)

"I know, I love it here. I've only been here a few times" (J)

"Just by yourself or?" (A)

"Just me, to catch my breath, get away from all the crazy of the world" he sniffles

"Anna" he pauses and stops walking. He's standing in front of me. Towering over me. His eyes searching mine, his expression peaceful.

"There's something I wanted to say, well ask you" (J) he seems to be getting slightly nervous. I tilt my head trying to figure out what will come out of his mouth next.

"I've never done this before, so I don't really know what I'm doing so bear with me. I like you a lot and I don't want to go with the flow anymore" Oh, is he saying he doesn't want to see me anymore or he wants to be more?. My heart is racing

"You're not like any other girl I have ever met, you are sexy, beautiful, kind, loving, funny and so full of life and I guess what I am trying to say is I would love for you to be mine, my girl" he's smiling down at me, waiting for me to say something.

I reach up, placing my hand softly on his cheek, gently stroking with my thumb. "I have been yours from the very beginning Jack" He doesn't give me time to finish and picks me up. My legs wrap around him and his mouth is on mine. My arms wrap around his strong shoulder squeezing him tight. God I love him. Oh no! Oops too late. Yes I do I love this man, with all my heart. He makes me feel alive and ignites a fire inside me that I didn't even know I had.

Walking back to the cabin Jack has me on his back, I was giggling away when he suddenly stops dead in his track. Looking in the direction he is looking in I see a man standing next to a blacked out car. The same man I saw outside the DEJ.

"Who's this? I remember this guy" (A) He gently puts me down and turns to me

"What do you mean you remember this guy? How?" (J) His tone turns cold

"Erm he was outside the DEJ the night I went out with Becs and Jo. After their holiday" (A) he furrows his eyebrows and takes a deep breath.

"Come" he says bluntly as he walks over to the man.

"Mr Preston" The man nods at him and He nods back. He walks up the stairs and opens the door, I follow closely behind him. Before I have the chance to see who I hear a woman's voice

"My Darling! How nice to see you. I've missed you so much" She wraps her arms around him and kisses his cheek" She pulls back and I see standing in front of Jack a well dressed woman, dark hair and brown eyes. Her eyes meet mine and Jack moves to my side.

"Mom, This is Anna. Anna meet Catherine Preston. My mother" I smile politely at her

"Nice to meet you Mrs Preston" (A)

"Nice to meet you too Anna, Are you the maid?" She gives me a curt smile. The blood literally drains from my face. My mouth slightly open, but no words coming out.

"She's not... She's not the maid Mom. She's my girlfriend" Jack's face looks annoyed and uncomfortable.

"Ah my bad" she says holding her hands up "It's just that Jack gets comfortable with a lot of girls, even the help" She cackles "So girlfriend you say" She stops laughing. I am standing there trying to processed the fact that she just called me a maid and just told me that Jack has been with a lot of girls, not new info but made me feel like I was just another.

Jack turns to me and places his hands on my shoulders "Do you mind giving us a minute please?" He says softly. My heart was racing, I am so confused.