Chapter 34: Solution?

Chapter 34: Solution?

I'm currently inside the meeting room together with the entire knights of our territory and all of them have a solemn expression on their faces as they look at my father waiting for what he gonna say.

The oppressive roar of the high-ranking magic beast just happened yesterday and the entire Florentine city has never been the same since then.

People are still afraid to go out of their houses and a lot of business men and merchants have leave the city in droves yesterday.

Most of them have decided that it's too dangerous to stay here in the Florentine city and chose to evacuate this place.

But because of this, a lot of businesses have closed down and most of our people have lost their source of income.

As of now, the effect of this on our city is not yet visible but my prediction says otherwise.

As more and more businessman leave the city it would be much harder for us to procure basic materials from the outside as huge percentage of it was supplied by them.

At the same time, the news about this issue regarding the magic beast would gradually spread around the neighboring territory and it won't be long before the officials from the kingdom of Turox would become aware of it.

I don't know if it would bring us more problems or not but a lot of the nobility in the capital would most likely be happy to hear about this news and they might even block this peace of news from reaching the king. As he himself is already in an isolation to find a cure for the side effects of using a forbidden spell.

Aside from this, our trade with other people would also be affected by that rank 5 magic beast lingering in the enchanted forest as fewer and fewer people would decide on visiting our city.

Thankfully, the city of Florentine is a city composed of soldiers and knights and most of our citizens are trained on how to fight.

A huge part of the population have come from the descendants of the soldiers and Knights that our ancestors have brought over this place.

Their loyalty is guaranteed to be under our name and they are also aware of how hard it is to transfer to another territory as most of the common people in that place don't have the power to disobey any orders from their lord.

It is known to everyone, that a lot of people have suffered from cruelty from the hands of nobility from the other city.

Some of them were even killed due to simple mistakes while others are abducted as a plaything for a Nobleman who has a lewd personality.

It is even very common for orphans and young children of other territories to suddenly go missing, as they were abducted to work as a miner or sold as a slave to other places.

This era is not a peaceful one. Justice isn't even properly being implemented. A lot of people have deep grievances against the nobility as they often abuse the power they hold.

Unfortunately, no matter how much they wanted to rebel it's still no use at all. They are powerless to face the strong and cruel soldiers of their lords, and even if they unite all their capabilities, they still have their own limitations as a mortal.

As a single knight alone can slay hundreds of them without breaking a sweat.

This is the cruel reality of this world. If you don't have enough power to defend yourself, you can't expect something such as laws to protect you, as strength is still the rule that revolves around this era.

A lot of Nobles also take this power to their advantage, to blackmailed the normal citizens as they both have the strength and influence to do all of that without any fear of retaliation from the kingdom.

"My lord, our situation isn't good as people are still not optimistic about the safety of our city." Worriedly said by sir Kiel as he tightly gripped his fist on the table.

Kiel Finn Conrad is also a strong knight who work for my father and a member of the Great 10 pillar families of the florentine city.

"All of our soldiers are on high alert for any emergency, but even they are affected by the prospect of a rank 5 magic beast attacking the city." said by sir Hugo in a serious voice as he take a looked at everyone in the room with solemn gaze.

"They don't have the confidence that we can defeat it at all, and they're losing their hope to survive." Sir Daniel dejectedly said while keeping his head low.

"All they wanted to do now, is to evacuate our people away from this place while they fight that magic beast to give us more time." Sir Mark said angrily as he loudly smash his fist on the table attracting everyone's attention.

Mark Gabrielle Anwar is also a knight who worked for my father and currently in charge for the security of the city. He came from the prominent family of Anwar who is also a member of the 10 great pillar.

"A lot of of our old soldier have actually confronted me" Sir Daniel said as he tilt his head to look up the ceiling. "And they said that they are willing to sacrifice their lives in order to save their loved ones here in the city." Sir Daniel said in a dejected manner as he keep his voice from breaking.

"Everyone!" Father loudly said in order to call their attention as everything around us shakes due to the loud voice.

"I know that the enemy we are facing right now is something that we have no hopes of defeating with, but I also have something important thing to announce that might help us to solve this situation." Father said grimly as the eyes of other knights in the room started to regain their shine.

"Lord Hubert, Do you have something that can help us tide this situation?" Loudly said by sir Isaac as he stands up on his sit in desperation.

His voice is filled with hope that my father can bring a miracle to defeat that high-ranking magic beast in the enchanted forest.

Isaac James Newton is also one of the 10 Knights who worked and serve our family for hundreds of years his family is also included in the 10 pillar of this city.

"Well....., I do find something... or rather someone that can help us solve this problem." Father said as he slowly turn his head to the door waiting for that person to come in.

"You can come in now." Father said in a loud voice as everyone looks at the door with great expectations.

The big door of this room is slowly opened by Michael since he stands as the guard of the room. And as everyone sees the person behind the door all of them have quickly changed their expression on their face from expectant gaze to disappointment.

"Who's that?" asks by a confused voice.

"How could he even help us?" Murmured by another person.

"That's a young man what can he do?" Complaint by someone with a deep voice.

"He isn't a wizard either there's no fluctuation of mana elements around his body." Growled by another person.

"Is this a joke?" said by some in an uncertain tone

"Lord Hubert, what do you mean by this?" said by Isaac in anger.

"My lord, are you implying that a man like that has more balls to face that magic beast than us?" complained by sir Daniel as he confronted my father with a stern gaze.

The former sir Daniel who doesn't have a strong presence in this room has quickly changed to a tiger ready to pounce on its prey.

Although all of them served under our family for centuries it doesn't mean that they would just blindly obey all our demands.

My father grew up with them, they were all trained by the same person and that is my grandfather.

it is also the reason why they treat each other as friends as they have a great bond when they were young but it doesn't mean that they would blindly obey everything he say as they still have their own mind to follow.

They also treat each other casually when there are no other people around them. It is also a sign that my father fully trusted them as his knights not just as their lord but also as his friends.

"No, I don't mean anything like that." Father said as he shakes his head.

"Doesn't anyone of you here find that figure familiar to you?" Asked by father in a serious voice as he points his finger towards that man.

He also look at everyone's reaction as they inspected that man carefully with their fierce gaze.

It took someone just a couple of seconds before having his own conclusion although it's wrong but it sounds hilarious.


"How could it be?" Sir Kiel loudly said as he stares at that man with shocked eyes.

"What is it Kiel did you know him?" asked by someone in the room it looks like it was Mark who ask this question.

But sir Kiel's sight has remained glued to that person on the door.

"Are you? but that's impossible since when and how did it happen? Sir Kiel's murmured in a tone full of disbelief.

"Are you Gaspar's illegitimate child?" He loudly asks while everyone's eyes have bulged into their face.

"WHAT?" said by most of them as only a few people knows about the news of Gaspar becoming younger.

Although sir Kiel has managed to create a connection between that person with Gaspar but his guest is completely wrong and comes in the wrong direction.

"I can't believe it. I thought he would spend all his life alone in the kitchen dedicated to his profession, but he still managed to find someone to have fun with and even have a child at that." Sir Kiel said in exaggerations as he looks at the person he accuse as Gaspar's illegitimate son with eyes filled with envy.

Because sir Kiel is the only Knight among the ten that serves under us that still doesn't have a lover and the worst part is they are all on the same age as my father who is just on his mid 30s.

Although kiel still looked young and at his prime due to his transcended state. He still can't help but compared himself to others, and the only thing that can calms him down is thinking about other people on his age that doesn't have a partner.

So kiel can't help himself but feel envy towards Gaspar as most of the people he knows already have a partner except for him which is a big blow to his ego.

Sir Kiel has actually courted a lot of ladies in the city and even in the other neighboring towns and villages but he always ends up as coming home without luck.

You might think that he must be ugly or it might be due to his personality, but all I can say about this matter is that's it might be because he was just too good for them.

His looks are perfect. he is also the most kind-hearted person you can find here in the city and yet none of the ladies I know wanted to marry him. Father and the others have even give him a lot of advice on how to chase girls but none of them have worked.

And to be honest, the only reason I could think off is that all the women he courted think that he is just too good for them, and they can't accept his proposal for commitments.

Oh, I almost forgot Gaspar is still standing at the door and is now giving sir Kiel an angry look with his eyes.

Gaspar must felt insulted for all the words he just heard coming from him. Sir kiel treating him as some kind of hooligan who would have illegitimate children outside.