Chapter 41: A Sea of Thorns.

Chapter 41: A Sea of Thorns.

My meeting with Callisto was immediately cut short, due to the alarming news that Gaspar have brought to us regarding the sudden change in the enchanted forest.

Although we're almost done with our talk, I can't help but still be curious about Callisto's last words regarding my father's title as the Harbinger of death.

I know that my father is a powerful knight but I can't see any characteristics of him of being a bad person that is capable of killing so many people to earn him that title.

Although it is indeed true that my father still has a lot of secrets that he is hiding from me, I'm just wondering how far would this go.

The sudden change in the surroundings of the enchanted forest has also attracted the attention of many people, including Callisto as he also came with us to observe the unusual phenomenon on this forest.

We immediately set off for a journey towards the enchanted forest, and there we found the giant wall of thorns. It's like a huge vine covered in thorns, and it surrounds the entire forest, making it impossible for us to enter.

If anyone from earth could see this scene it would definitely remind them of a certain fantasy movie.

I can't help but be amazed by this sudden change of event, because I can still clearly remember yesterday, that there was no such thing around this place.

We didn't even feel anything last night.

It's like the entire wall of thorns have just grown overnight.

Gaspar explain that when they arrived at this place they just saw this entire forest surrounded by this giant thorns early this morning.

They also tried to make a pathway for them to go inside the forest by clearing one section of the vines but even the blade made from the pure aura of a knight can only slice a few vines before they regrow immediately.

An attack from a transcended knight can only make deep marks on the thickest branch of this vine of thorns and even if we attack it multiple times the marks would just fade quickly as the rate of recovery for this vine is very fast.

Aside from this wall of giant vines of thorns, there's also a lingering white mist that started to fog up the surrounding area of the forest.

This mist makes it harder for us to observe the place as everyone who inhales this fog for a long time would feel sick. Even the knights that are known for having strong bodies were not safe from this phenomenon.

And although this change didn't bring any additional chaos to the city, it did makes everyone tense due to the additional fear brought by the unknown.

"Father, have you seen this before?" I ask as both of us observe the gloomy scenery around the enchanted forest.

"No I have not, and this is also the first time that I have seen something like this, as not even in the long history of our city have we recorded this kind of thing." He said in a grave tone while looking at the dark forest of giant thorns.

"What could possibly cause this scene? Everything looks okay yesterday" I said while frowning.

"We don't know it yet Master Lucas, But one thing is for sure whatever it is, it's not good." Said suddenly by Sandra as she looks at the information she have on her hands.

"We already tried several ways to cut it off, but they just grew rapidly. We also tried by burning it down and still no used at all." She said while staring at the giant thorns worriedly.

"The only way we could control its growth is by using the aura of a knight as the part they cut off would exhibit a slow regeneration or we could also use magic artifacts that is rich in mana elements. The energy left on their vines seems to prevent it from regenerating its thorns rapidly." She said as she turned her attention to us.

"It seems like the only option we have right now is to spend a massive amount of energy to slow down its growth." I said as we all stares at the growing vine of thorns.

"We need find a way to stop its growth or else it might overrun this entire place including the city." Father said seriously as he approaches the wall made out of vines.

He unsheathed his sword from his waist and took his stance as a massive amount of aura has suddenly erupted from him.

Though it's not comparable to the aura of a rank 5 magic beast it's still enough to give everyone around us a shiver to their soul and body.

The white aura that surrounds my father has started to distort the air around him and a massive amount of pressure could also be felt emanating from his body as his power suddenly surge up.

At the same time, the blade of his sword started to light up in bright white light as he slash his sword horizontally.

A massive blade made out of pure aura was immediately released from my father's sword as it travels towards the wall of thorns.

And upon impact, a loud sound and an intense light could clearly be heard and seen around the surroundings as it decimated a huge part of the wall made out of thorns.

From a simple slash of my father's sword, a gash of hundreds of meters on land was immediately created and a huge path of destruction was left in its place.

As the dust from that attack settles down we could immediately see how thick the walls are, as it has already eaten up a huge portion of the land outside the forest and yet, even with this kind of damage to its vines it's only enough to slow down its regeneration.

"So that's what an attack from a Grand knight looks like." Said by Callisto with an astonished expression on his face.

"Such a huge amount of aura and yet it only manages to clear up a small portion of this thorns." Sandra said in dazed.

The wall of thorns is already tens of meters thick and even with my father's strong attack it only managed to penetrate the outer layer of the wall. It didn't even reach the enchanted forest itself as the entire force of my father's attack was absorbed by the wall.

It might look like a simple attack at first, but I know that my father has already used one of his strongest moves in that one move, and although he could still use that move multiple times it's still won't be enough to stop the growth of this giant wall of thorns.

Even the mist that clears up earlier is already starting to fill up the place.

" Even Master Hubert's powerful attack is not enough to destroy this thorns entirely. How could we possibly solve this" Michael said with a stupefied face.

"Although it might seems useless but take a look, the growth rate on this side of thorns is not as fast as it's regeneration, look at that." I said as I pointed my finger towards a tree.

"When we arrived in this place this tree is not yet covered on thorns but look at it now. A quarter of its trunk already started to be eaten by this vines and yet it still didn't advance any further." I said as I explain to them my observation this past few hours.

"The destroyed part of this wall might take a week before it managed to regain its previous might" Sandra suddenly said as she observes one of the vines that's trying to regenerate its missing parts.

She also decided to ask one of the knights to get her a small sample of this vines to take it for observation and experimentation but father strongly opposed this idea as it might bring danger to our city.

Since this giant wall of thorns, only takes an entire night to grow at this point. It's not impossible for a small sample of it to also cover the entire city in one snap.

"I also notice that whenever we cut a portion of this thorn the regenerated parts of it looks much stronger than before, so it's also not an option for us to always do the same technique in destroying it as it might come to a point that even a strong attack from our lord won't affect it at all." Sandra said seriously as she looks at the portion that they have experimented earlier.

That part of the wall is a little far from the area that my father have cleaned up but everyone could easily notice the huge contrasts of difference between the two sides of the thorns.

The part that they have conducted their experiment earlier has a more metallic shine to it compared to the area that my father have destroyed.

And even the regenerated part of the destroyed section of the wall have already changed its color to a more whiter color like a bone.

I mean it literally.

As the portion of the wall that my father have destroyed started to regenerate its thorn with bone-like structure.

If before, the thorns are still considered as part of the plants then now no one would think that this giant vine of thorns are plant. As it already evolved into something more horrible.

"Oh my God!" Sandra said in utter shock as she observe the newly regenerated part of the thorns.

"How could this be?" Hugo said as he observe the newly sprouted thorns.

"This is not good." Father said in a grave voice as he look at the new look of the thorns.