Chapter 5 Went Back Home

Bai Liwei hid the jade pendant and smiled faintly, "No, she deserves it."

Her candid admission surprised him. "Aren't you afraid?"

Bai Liwei turned to look at him and smiled, "Afraid? Afraid you're going to take me to the police station? Would you?"

"That's my business."

Bai Liwei nodded, "If it weren't for me, your bride would have been Bai Xinrui. But are you interested in her?"

Looking at her in a low voice, Ji Anbei asked, "How do you know I won't?"

"You don't have such a bad taste. Since you don't plan to send me to prison, please drive to the Bai family." Bai Liwei suddenly changed the topic.

The jade pendant on his body made her more determined to stay in the Ji family, but her computer was still in the Bai family, and she needed to go back to get it.

"I have no intention of breaking off the engagement." Hearing that she was going to the Bai family, Ji Anbei said in a low voice.

"I have no intention of regretting my marriage. I'll go get my things."

The corners of Ji Anbei's mouth lifted slightly...

"You don't have to go in. It's troublesome to get on and off the car. I'll be back soon." Seeing him sitting in a wheelchair, Bai Liwei opened the door and ran towards the villa.

Bai Xinrui, who was looking out of the window, saw Bai Liwei get out of the car. Her eyes turned red in an instant.

"Damn the woman! How could she come back safe and sound?" Bai Xinrui paced in the room, with a fire burning in her heart.

"Tuanzi, come with me." With her cat in her arms, Bai Xinrui walked quickly towards Bai Liwei's room.

With a bottle of medicine that made the cat excited, Bai Xinrui sprinkled it on Bai Liwei's clothes and left quickly. Bai Liwei must change clothes in a wedding dress. At that time...

"Oh, my little girl, you have to make me proud. Remember to dig her face." Caressing the cat's hair, Bai Xinrui exhorted expectantly.

In the downstairs, as soon as Bai Liwei entered the room, she was stopped by Bai Zhenhai.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

"What should I say? I'm back safe and sound."

"That's not what I want to say!" Bai Zhenhai said sternly.

Turning her eyes to her father, Bai Liwei asked, "What's that? Your daughter has been kidnapped. Why do you care about other things?"

Hearing this, Bai Mu suddenly stood up from the sofa. "Bai Liwei, you shouldn't have treated your sister like this. She is still a little girl. How will she live in the future?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, but when it comes to girls, I am also a girl. Have you ever thought about how I will live in the future when you marry me to a cripple?" Bai Liwei asked coldly.

Bai Zhenhai was speechless for a moment, but the ruthlessness on Mrs. Bai's face could hardly be hidden.

Thinking of the man outside, she immediately walked into the house, changed her clothes, packed her suitcase, and walked out.


Bai Liwei was afraid of cats, especially the eyes of cats.

She grabbed the rail of the suitcase, waiting for the cat to back away. Suddenly, she felt the cat coming towards her.

There was a strange mint smell around the tip of her nose, and she sensed something wrong in an instant.

The cat suddenly pounced on her and stopped at her feet.

"Tuanzi, Tuanzi, why did you attack someone again?" Bai Xinrui thought she had completed the task, so she looked at Bai Liwei exaggeratedly with the cat in her arms.

At this moment, Bai Liwei had already understood what was going on. This woman wanted to disfigure her.

Bai Xinrui was surprised. Why didn't it work? This thing could make Tuanzi manic in an instant before.

What Bai Xinrui didn't know was that on the day her mother was away, the cat licked her mother's blood. Her mother's eyes were like the shadow of her whole life, so her grandfather had put medicinal materials in her bracelet, so the cat didn't dare to approach her at all.

Bai Liwei cast a cold glance at Bai Xinrui. Under the sun, the transparent nose of Bai Xinrui couldn't hide from her eyes. It was plastic surgery.

"Bitch." Bai Liwei cursed and went downstairs.

Bai Xinrui was instantly irritated. "What are you talking about? Who are you cursing? Don't think that I don't know it was you who made the video! You are such a vicious woman!"

Bai Liwei was trying to irritate Bai Xinrui. Seeing the shadow of Bai Xinrui on the stairs, she waved her hands and wanted to push her. She saw it.

As Bai Liwei moved out of the way, a shrill scream echoed in the villa.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Ji Anbei saw this scene. The Bai family was in a mess. Mrs. Bai and Bai Zhenhai rushed to their daughter and helped her up.

Bai Xinrui covered her nose with her hands. Tears and snot ran down her face, and her nose was directly bent into the shape of a golden hook. She didn't know what was in her nose, and her eyes were also bleeding. Her face was instantly bloody and badly mutilated.

Looking at the bloody scene, a smile played at the corners of Bai Liwei's mouth. This time, this woman should be honest, shouldn't she?

"Dad, mom, what should I do? Ah! What should I do?" Feeling her nose askew, Bai Xinrui burst into tears in an instant.

"Mr. Ji, this is not what you see," Bai Zhenhai explained as soon as he saw Ji Anbei.

However, Bai Xinrui didn't want to do that. Anyway, things had been like this. She wanted to destroy Bai Liwei. She wanted to see how this woman could still act!

"That's what Mr. Ji saw. She is a vicious woman. She pushed me downstairs!" Bai Xinrui cried loudly.

After casting a cold glance at the three people in the living room, Ji Anbei's dark eyes finally fell on Bai Liwei.

He had seen what had happened just now. It was Bai Xinrui who wanted to hurt Bai Liwei.

The tragedy of Bai Xinrui made him look at Bai Liwei with new eyes. She was brave and resourceful in the face of danger. She was good at something.

"Is Mrs. Ji hurt?"

They were all stunned when they heard what Ji Anbei said. What was going on here?

Bai Liwei couldn't help but want to laugh, but she held back her laughter. "No, honey. Are you waiting too long?" She said as she walked towards Ji Anbei.

Honey? When the word came out of her mouth, a strange feeling inexplicably appeared at the bottom of Ji Anbei's heart.

With a slight smile on his thin lips, he reached out his hand to her and said, "That's good. Let's go."

His hand was slightly cold, and the two walked out together.

Bai Xinrui was stunned. What was going on? What poison did she cast on Ji Anbei?

"Mr. Ji, do you want such a bad woman?" Unwilling to give up, Bai Xinrui stood in front of the two and asked ferociously.

Raising his cold eyes to take a look at Bai Xinrui, Ji Anbei's eyes were full of contempt. "Do I want you? Just like this?"

As soon as he finished his words, Ji Anbei gently patted on the hand of Bai Liwei, who immediately pushed him out.

"Mr. Ji, with your acting skill and your face, you can be a good actress even if your legs are disabled!" When they got into the car, Bai Liwei couldn't help but slap him hard on the leg.

On the surface, she praised him, but in fact, she wanted to see if he was disabled. She always felt that he wasn't.