Chapter 15 Display Love

Jiang Qinqin, of course, was very sensitive. Seeing that she couldn't avoid the woman in front of her, she had to pretend to be extremely gentle and greeted her with a smile.

"I guess you must be my cousin's wife. I heard that you just came back from the countryside, and I didn't have time to visit you. It's really impolite."

Jiang Qinqin stressed the two words "countryside" on purpose, as if she was afraid that others would not understand her thoughts.

The smile on Bai Liwei's face froze for a moment, but then she regained her composure. After all, she had seen a lot of ups and downs, so she could resist this thought.

"Ji Anbei, look at my cousin. She is so polite. I'm so shy." As she spoke, she put her hand on Ji Anbei's shoulder. To be honest, the difference in height between the two people was just right.

The smile at the corners of Jiang Qinqin's mouth immediately disappeared. She had never seen a woman who dared to be so close to Ji Anbei.

Even as his cousin, who had been staying with Ji Anbei for so many years, could only talk from a distance. How could this country woman put her hand on his shoulder just now?

She was indeed a country bumpkin. Although she had already been restless in her heart, she still pretended not to care about it.

Her long and thin eyebrows stretched, her watery eyes and her small mouth made her look like a beauty in the south. The word "gentle" was a perfect match for her.

Generally speaking, only a few people could see so much. However, after experiencing the baptism of all the bad guys of the Bai family, how could she really take this cousin in front of her so simply?

"Oh, cousin, is this the bento box you brought here?"

Bai Liwei didn't want to argue with this ill lady too much. She was afraid that she would be too anxious and pass out because of anger. She still had to save her.

Just as Jiang Qinqin was about to stop her, she saw that Bai Liwei opened the top cover of the bento box and pick the most painstaking sushi in the center, which fell directly into Bai Liwei's mouth.

After taking a bite, Bai Liwei immediately showed a satisfied smile. Perhaps it was because she was hungry, or perhaps it was because this sushi was delicious.

From beginning to end, Ji Anbei had been staring at Bai Liwei. He had been impatient just now, but when he saw someone eat sushi, he showed a satisfied smile like a squirrel, his face was no longer as tense as before, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with an inexplicable unrestrained and romantic expression.

Jiang Qinqin clenched her fists and took a few deep breaths to keep her countenance.

"Sister-in-law, I made these sushi especially for my cousin. I often came here before, and only he was here. So I didn't know you were here today. If you like it, I can bring some here next time."

Although Jiang Qinqin was already full of anger, she had to pretend to be considerate in order to maintain her image.

Bai Liwei was enjoying the taste of raw fish with relish. When she heard what the woman in front of her said, she couldn't help laughing.

Often come over before? So this cousin was declaring her sovereignty?

After another sushi, Bai Liwei looked at Jiang Qinqin.

When they looked at each other, Jiang Qinqin's eyes twinkled subconsciously, which was caused by a feeling of guilt. But only a few seconds later, she calmed down again.

After all, in her eyes, except for a little bit of beauty, this woman in front of her did not deserve her brother Ji Anbei at all. A beautiful woman from the countryside. What kind of waves could she make?

However, what Bai Liwei was going to say would shame on Jiang Qinqin's face.

"So these sushi are all made by you. If you didn't tell me, I would think that they were made by the master of Qiu Yezhai in the east of the city. I'm really a woman from the countryside. I'm really making a fool of myself."

Although she said so, her hands were as rude as ever. As soon as she said this, another Arctic shell sushi was stuffed into her mouth.

A sweet taste slowly bloomed in her mouth, and the corners of her eyes immediately curved into a crescent moon. She looked like a kitten resting in the afternoon with satisfaction on her face.

Even Ji Anbei himself didn't notice that. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Jiang Qinqin, who was stabbed in the pain, had already become a solid statue, so embarrassed.

How could she expect a countryman to know such a place, Qiu Yezhai.

It was the most famous sushi shop in the mortal world, and its owner was Mr. Qiuye. It was said that he was a master who had been studying sushi for many years, and there was a limited supply of sushi every day.

Jiang Qinqin was sure that Ji Anbei was not the kind of person who would personally wait in line, so she bought it every time and pretended to make it herself.

She tried again and again, and it worked. Who would have thought that she would fail in front of such a bumpkin.

"Why don't you say anything? Did I say something wrong? Don't mind. You know, I'm from the countryside, and I'm not as eloquent as you."

Bai Liwei said unhurriedly. Compared with praise, it sounded more ironic.

Jiang Qinqin tried hard to digest the emotion blocked in her throat. But when she was about to speak, she saw the scene in front of her again.

Bai Liwei picked up a sushi and stuffed it directly into the mouth of Ji Anbei.

The man who was thrown into the food was only stunned for a moment, and then chewed it naturally. He didn't even dodge when the woman reached out to help him wipe the mustard at the corners of his mouth.

"What do you think, honey? Your cousin is good at cooking, isn't she?" With a flattering smile on her face, Bai Liwei walked up to Ji Anbei with a complacent look. People who didn't know her might think that these sushi were made by her.

With a tense look on his face, Ji Anbei took two bites. He had planned to argue with her, but when he saw the smile on her face, he somehow changed his mind and said reluctantly, "Just so-so."

After saying that, he wiped the corner of his mouth, and it was still the place where she had just touched.