Chapter 30 Sleep

"Well, let's go inside. Our family is not so poor as to let the young mistress cook by herself. I don't know who dares to order you. Let's go. I'll go in and wash your hands, in case of getting dirty."

Ji Anbei behaved like a considerate husband.

Of course, it was not a good idea to embarrass him. Even if the internal conflict had not been solved, when it came to external conflicts, they must be consistent.

With a gentle and obedient smile on her face, she pushed Ji Anbei in.

At this moment, Ji Liqing was completely ignored. Ashamed and angry, he was about to turn on the desktop cleaning mode.

Li Bin, who was standing aside, hurried to stop him.

"I'm sorry, sir. We have no objection to your anger. But I have to carry the food cooked by my young mistress. The young master said that he'll eat when he comes out."

After saying that, Li Bin quickly put away the leftovers on the table.

Ji Liqing was burning with anger.