Chapter 54 Prove Innocence

"Ah... I really don't want to live."

As soon as she finished her words, she sat down on the ground. The sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling was harsh and surrounding, forming a three-dimensional sound effect of three hundred and sixty degrees without a dead corner in the room.

Even the most expensive earphones couldn't match the feeling at the moment.

Seeing this, Ji Liqing also echoed. The two of them had an incisive expression of the wronged couple.

"All right!"

In the end, it was still Ji Anbei who couldn't stand the noisy sound, so he stopped with a cold face.

The two couples sitting on the ground took a look at them. As for Ji Liqing, he looked displeased.

"Why are you still yelling at us? Well, you think you have the final say in this family, don't you? It's your wife who hurt the old lady. You not only don't want to defend the old lady, but also put the blame on us. Aren't you really afraid of retribution? "

Ji Liqing stood up and said seriously.