Chapter 82 Deathly Resistance


As soon as he heard what had happened there, Ji Anbei, who was holding a high-level meeting, dismissed all the people immediately.

Seeing their boss' gloomy face, the executives didn't dare to ask about the details. They rushed out with their computers.

"What's wrong, Mr. Ji?"

Li Bin couldn't help but ask because he seldom saw Ji Anbei was angry about so much.

"Li Bin, call the harbor and ask them to send out all the ships and prepare a yacht. We'll be there soon."

As soon as Ji Anbei finished his words, he arrived at the door.

Li Bin couldn't help exclaiming, "All the boats?"

But the only response to him was that the door. Looking at the anxious Ji Anbei, he finally realized that something dangerous might have happened.

On the yacht, Bai Liwei was still dealing with Mark.

"Well, honey, let's do it."