Chapter 159 Escape


Another two or three days passed, and during this period, the reporters were still busy. They found photos of them from previous activities. They were stingy with details in all aspects. In short, they wanted to prove that they were an evil couple.

When Ji Anbei saw these ridiculous posts, he directly laughed out loud. Before he could turn to the next page, someone hit him hard on the back of his head. He turned around with complaints and immediately saw the cold face of the old lady.

"You have the nerve to laugh. How long has your wife been taken away by those people? Haven't you ever thought of saving her?"

The old lady didn't know that her grandson was such a person.

Though the emperor was not in a hurry, the eunuch was. It had been so many days. The emperor should be a little anxious.

Ji Anbei put down the magazine in his hand helplessly.