Chapter223 Repeated Warning

"What do you mean? Cousin, Bai Liwei has betrayed you. Are you still going to hide the evidence for her?"

Jiang Qinqin stood up in surprise.

As far as she knew, Ji Anbei would never let himself suffer losses, let alone such a matter related to his dignity.

Nodding his head, Ji Anbei said, "Give me the evidence first. Don't worry about anything else. I can give you what you want."

"No, Cousin, I don't want anything. I just want you. Since Bai Liwei has done such a thing, we should expose her true face. Do you still want everyone to be kept in the dark by her?"

Jiang Qinqin was really surprised at Ji Anbei's attitude. What made her more annoyed was how could such a proud person be so humble for that woman.

Jiang Qinqin couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to blame it all on Bai Liwei.

"Cousin, please calm down. Think about it. That woman has lied to you for so long. Shouldn't you take revenge on her?"

Jiang Qinqin tried her best to persuade Ji Anbei.