Chapter 245 Shen Suixin Went Mad

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are a rich lady who never does housework. How can you tell a chicken leg from a chicken wing? I think you're just talking nonsense. Forget it. Don't waste time. Send it to the hospital now."

With a guilty conscience, Shen Suixin quickly took the pot and poured it into the thermal container.

After a whole afternoon's torment, they went back to the hospital again. On their way back, Shen Suixin couldn't help thinking that she should take revenge after suffering such a big loss.

And she thought it was better to pretend to be sick.

When they were at home just now, Shen Suixin had no advantage in terms of fighting capacity. But when they arrived at the hospital later, with Ji Liqing and Ji Liu's help, it would be no problem for her.

Thinking of this, she immediately sent a message to Ji Liqing, who was guarding in the hospital. After getting through to each other, the plan was settled.

"Mom, we're here to bring you dinner."