Chapter 280 Shen Suixin Was Missing

Within ten minutes, Li Bin called Ji Anbei.

Ji Anbei thought he had finished his work and called him to confirm.

Li Bin answered the phone in a hurry.


"Mr. Ji, Madam is missing."


Ji Anbei frowned and said in a serious tone.

"What happened?"

The mental hospital had always been heavily guarded, so they chose to send Shen Suixin in. They had planned to lock her up for the rest of her life.

How could they let her run away?

"The nurse said she had taken the medicine for her at noon. She should be still asleep, but when she came in, there was no one in the room. They've looked around, and the surveillance video is being checked."

"Report to me as soon as you get the result."

As soon as Bai Liwei finished speaking, she pushed the door open and walked in. She had just come back from the company. She had been busy with her family's affairs these days, and many of the company's projects had been put aside by her.