Chapter 336 Tied for the First Place

The girl began to recall whether her voice was too loud just now.

If Bai Liwei heard this, would she be a little unhappy?

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Bai. I didn't mean to say that. I just..." She just wanted to gossip.

Facing Bai Liwei, the girl was a little embarrassed and even stammered.

She was not as excited as she was when she commented on her work just now.

After all, Bai Liwei had a good reputation.

She was able to marry into the Ji family and even got the respect of her mother-in-law, which made Ji Anbei look at her with new eyes.

Bai Liwei was not an ordinary woman.

Afraid of offending her, the girl pulled a long face.

However, Bai Liwei smiled, which seemed not to be strict and unruly as she thought.

"It's okay. I think you are right."

The girl was a little stunned and looked at Bai Liwei in surprise.

"I heard you commenting on your designs just now. Are you a design student?"