Chapter 367 Slander Bai Liwei

Li Yuewen raised her chin slightly and acted like an arrogant rich lady.

"Are you Bai Liwei? I heard that you have been married. Your husband just let you come to Jiang City alone. Doesn't he worry that you will be bullied by these men? I think your relationship is routine."

At first, Bai Liwei thought that Li Yuewen would be an easy-going girl, but she didn't expect that she would hold a grudge against her from the very beginning.

What was going on?

Even Li Wei was shocked.

Although Li Yuewen was used to being unruly, she was always arrogant and willful to outsiders. Why did she begin to scold her own family now?

"Yuewen, what are you talking about?"

Li Wei said discontentedly and grabbed Li Yuewen's arm.

But before she could say the apology and explanation, Li Yuewen shook off Li Wei's hand directly.