Chapter 450 The Truth

After chatting with Xu Zhi. Bai Liwei hung up the phone and was about to return to her room when she was shocked by a figure behind her.

It was Li Yuewen.

Bai Liwei didn't know when Li Yuewen stood behind her, who was staring at her with deep eyes.

The way Li Yuewen looked at her always had a sense of viciousness.

Bai Liwei pursed her lips. Thinking of Li Yuewen's complaints to her, she walked up slowly.

If she could persuade Li Yuewen before leaving, it would be a comfort.

"Yuewen, in fact, about your mother, I..."

"Don't you always want to know what happened that year? I know."


Bai Liwei was a little stunned. She looked at Li Yuewen carefully, trying to make sure that she was not lying.

Li Yuewen smiled, "It's not the right time to lie to you."

"Tell me the truth. What about exchanging conditions?"

"No deal."

Hearing this, a hint of doubt flashed through Bai Liwei's eyes.